New Category
10 months ago

In 2.0, there is the unstuck button which allows you to travel great distances very fast. So, I would suggest a new sub-category next to glitchless and glitched: Glitchless - no unstuck. In this category, unstuck button is forbidden. All runs before 2.0 would be moved to this category and runs which are done in 2.0, but don't use the unstuck button, are also moved there. I think, this would be an interesting category to have 2.0, but also to not "cheat" with the unstuck Button feature, if you get what I mean. It's just an Idea.

Editado por o autor 10 months ago
United Kingdom

I think unstuck is fair in survival, it’s just like a deathwarp but you get to keep your items, in hardcore however it should be completely forbidden. By nature of adding “deathwarps” it would put hardcore runs on the same route as survival runs which would ruin their hardcore-ness if not addressed imo


Unstuck is simply a feature of 2.0, and while it is similar to death warps it has nothing to do with dying, therefore it will remain allowed in hardcore runs.

As for the leaderboard split, I definitely see the point in that, but there would have to be enough interest in both categories for it to make sense. Right now, most of the top runs including the WR in survival glitchless are not played on 2.0, and almost the same is true for hardcore glitchless.

We haven't discussed this internally, but I think it's safe to say that we will think about this more seriously if we get more 2.0 runs.

United Kingdom

Well whatever happens I believe there need to be leaderboards that accommodate hardcore runs in any patch including 2.0 without unstuck allowed. (where the rules account for platforms unable to downpatch out of 2.0)

Obviously 2.0 is currently the optimal patch for hardcore (excluding glitched, maybe) and that doesn’t sit right with me, because now almost all glitchless hardcore routes under the current leaderboards are completely obsolete and without a home, doomed to be replaced by the already existing survival routes.

Editado por o autor 10 months ago
cinnamoncookies curtiram isso
New Zealand

Too much remains to be seen around the idea that current runs are "completely obsolete". While the Unstuck feature is powerful, it is far from the be all and end all.

Ultimately games that still receive updates constantly have to consider the impacts of introduced functionality, or the inability to do things that you previously could. This may result in split boards, especially in games with a significant level of activity and interest.

Subnautica is neither of those things, though. We did not split the boards based on version previously when new patches reduced the ability to perform glitched runs to the same extent, and are unlikely to do so for the fact the current patch (which by default has less barrier to entry compared to down-patching) includes the Unstuck mechanic. If new runs displace the current runs on the leaderboard due to that strategy, the option is always there for current record holders to run the game again on the latest version to take advantage of the same mechanic.

LuLuZephyr curtiram isso
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