Updates to the ILs (September 26, 2020)
3 years ago

Hi everyone. A very good proposal has come up to edit the IL structure.

As we know, there are important differences between Keyboard and Controllers players (PC controller included) in auto sections. This is why it seems right to me that both styles of games are separated and both are almost equally important.

This, added to the failure of the current Pauseless category (understandable, because there are few tracks that differ from No Ultra), caused the creation of the following proposal:


  1. Glitched
  2. Pauseless w/Keyboard
  3. Pauseless w/Controller

Subcategories for Glitched:

  1. Three Laps
  2. Fastest Lap

Subcategories for Pauseless w/Keyboard and Pauseless w/Controller:

  1. No Ultra
  2. Ultra

Subsubcategories for Pauseless w/Keyboard and Pauseless w/Controller:

  1. Three Laps
  2. Fastest Lap

This would allow for a very clean IL. I'm surprised we haven't thought of this before. In No Ultra: Ultra skips are NOT allowed. In Ultra: Ultra skips are allowed. (would be the current Pauseless)

This topic is to inform and know if anyone has an opinion against this. It is important to us.

The change would be made as soon as possible.

Greycatmon, Fordden e 2 outros curtiu isso