add 100 %
7 years ago
Bosnia and Herzegovina

why isnt there 100 % you know

  • finish all 4 schools
  • buy all items
  • shinobi girls heart (with all girls dlc characters included)
  • and last battle azuka vs homura (with both girls) if you add that category i would run it :^)
North Carolina, USA

It's similar to Hyrule Warriors where it's not a category entirely because no one would run it. Or at least, no one thought it'd be ran. If you do a run, I'd be willing to add the category (same happened in Hyrule Warriors where someone did it, then it was added).

EDIT: also, I never really put any thought into what 100% would qualify as. Would it be All A rank too?

Editado por o autor 7 years ago

so all A rank with all girls both hard difficulty and normal all schools shinobi hearts and all items?


i can see All Schools being its own category away from 100%tho

Bosnia and Herzegovina

when i do a run where do i submit or send link ?

Georgia, USA

Bruh?!? I'll do an all faction run + Asuka vs Homura but buying all items plus the SGHs? you trying to kill me? lol

North Carolina, USA

I mean, 100% would be hundo, right? XD

If you do a run of hundo, just PM me on Twitch, or tag me on Twitter and I'll check it out.

North Carolina, USA

What do you guys think of specifying 100% with "All Trophies". Looking at the list, it's basically what was agreed on, and wouldn't require maxing character levels or All A Ranks (which would be debatable) and would have a clear cut measurement.

EDIT: Talked with Hypelastika and discussed more specifics for the 100% rules, and came to an agreement.

Editado por o autor 7 years ago
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