8 years ago
Midi-Pyrénées, France

If you request this game, at least set categories or anything, like the image of the game idk, don't request a game just to be super mod and after leaving it.

Idk if you have any plan for it, and if you do so im sorry but on a lot of games people request them and then leave it, if you have luck they setted categories and let everyone post it but most of the time it's bad categories and you need to be accepted for posting runs.

try to understand xD

exemple of people who request a game then leave it : (it have a demo category, a 100% and a achievement%) people who tried posting any% runs (the most commonn run) were refused, i tried talking with him but i got no answers.

Vienna, Austria

Yeah hope its not the case here - cause I routed this game and submitted some runs - not much time passed yet - but who knows if anybody gives a hoot about a few year old austrian indie game x3

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Postado 2 years ago
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