Region differences?
4 years ago
United States

Just curious why there are so many JP runs? Is there a gameplay difference or text speed difference somewhere that would save time?

Hesse, Germany

Nope! Not that I'm aware of. The only differences between the two versions are text and voice clips. Text speed isn't an issue as there's no scrolling text in the game. Also, text doesn't get in the way of a run anyway.

My guess would be that the JP cart might be cheaper/easier to come by than the American one. Besides, most runners who play on JP come from outside the US, so they (including myself) probably just bought the cheapest cart they could find online.

Anyway, play on whatever version you like, as long as it's not the PAL version of course :P

Editado por o autor 4 years ago
United States

Are reproduction carts allowed as long as loading times are the same?

Hesse, Germany

@NorthRock, I'm not entirely sure... I'm not really in the position to make the call on this...

but, I'd say that as long as all gameplay elements are 100% identical to an original cartridge, it shouldn't be an issue. So... If you want to run on a repro-cart go for it.

United States

Thanks for the quick response, I completely agree. I'll check the timing and other elements to ensure that everything is exactly the same. You can look forward to seeing my runs in the near future.

KoiIroHoshi curtiram isso
Hesse, Germany

Great effort! And yeah, I'm definitely looking forward to it! :)

Queensland, Australia

Hey, I have the PAL version, so is it way slower?

I'd be keen to get amongst this but a bit lazy to buy a new cart at that moment ☃️

New South Wales, Australia

It is slower but it evens out a bit as you have more time to line up boosts. Currently 2x WRs are PAL. Night Highway and Sunset rock. Feel free to get involved with PAL until you get JP or US.

New South Wales, Australia

I'd prefer JP but I have both versions.

New South Wales, Australia

Or you can use an emulator like some ppl do

New South Wales, Australia

Or you can use an emulator like some ppl do

Queensland, Australia

OK cool, so the in game timer doesn't actually run slower like it does in some games like Mario Kart and Wave Race.

If so I'll get into a bit of Snowboard Kids 1 and 2 at some point down the road.

I'll stick to real hardware instead of emulator 😼

New South Wales, Australia

It may be not 100% sure but basically PAL ends up faster owing to the fact it is easier to line up boosts and react. Either way welcome hope to see dome times from you soon.

United Kingdom

The in game timer doesn't appear to be any different. i.e. it seems to be tied to frames, rather than real world time. JP/US versions are definitely faster for full game runs however, since they are RTA instead of IGT.

Queensland, Australia

I'm still not down with all this lingo that the kids keep using so I have to guess.

Real Time Attack? In Game Timer?

That could work out though, I see myself more doing individual levels than whole game runs.

United Kingdom

Yeah, you have both of those correct. You time a full game run using the actual real world time passed, you time individual levels by what the scoreboard says at the end (even in cases where it is not accurate, such as for PAL)

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