New retime?
1 year ago

Since you cannot save time after doing the system dump and simply do nothing whatsoever, shouldn't be the timer be stopped when you do the systemdump?


I agree, but this would be a lot of work for the mods for a dead game

He/Him, They/Them
1 year ago

I guess this would be like TAS timing, where you stop on last input.

For the sake of discussion, here's some arguments against:

  • TAS timing (last input) has often a weird quirk in many games where you intentionally loose time at the very end to "hands off" the controller/keyboard as soon as possible.
  • While highly unlikely, you never know if we could find a skip or a way to speed it up one day
  • It's still gameplay. This is the same argument given for things like Super Mario Sunshine intro. The main difference here is that you don't have to go through the ending everytime you do a run, summing up to many hours of your life just waiting instead of running and improving your PB / the record. You already know if you're too far behind and can just quickly reset.
  • It's possible to softlock and still loose the run at this point.
  • No substantial change to the leaderboard rankings.
  • Game is still not considered complete. (check the save file)
  • Can lead to people cutting off their VOD before the game even ends. If we add a rule that the escape needs to be shown entirely, then why stop the time earlier in the first place?

Arguments for:

  • When you do PB, you can reset a bit earlier to keep grinding
  • Lower time shown on the leaderboard
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