Console Versions
5 years ago
Texas, USA

Will the Xbox One, PS4, and Switch (whenever the Switch version comes out), be added to the list of consoles/versions on the SRC page? (Not asking for subcategories, just for them to be added to the versions list) The reason I ask for this is because in the future there probably will be someone on XB1, PS4, or Switch who will want to speedrun the game, then they will see on the SRC page that there’s only PC listed for the versions.

KrzysekK, That_guyVII e 2 outros curtiu isso
Alabama, USA

Yay i have a ps4 but i don't have a pc


Hey, after one year (sry for the late) I add: PS4, Xbox One and Switch

Maddirisa curtiram isso
Texas, USA

Although I won't be playing on console, I'm glad that this got added, so thanks :)

Novaster curtiram isso
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