Category Nightmares :D
4 years ago
Hesse, Germany

I would agree with Category I for the start as long as there not so many runs it would be not such a good idea to blow up the Leaderboard with to much new categories.

If I would be in charge I just would setup a DOS-Box/ScummVM, Amiga, C64 (Atari ST, Apple) Leaderboard with the two subcategories Any% and 100% for each one of them. This kind of setup is often used (check out Lemmings i.e.) (btw if you need help here you I can support you or just ask Non-Slim-Jim I am sure he would also be happy to help -> We are both mods for other games also)

Its true that having a basic setup for everyone to have a fair competion is needed, but also tricky to define, not sure yet how to approach that. I am not a big DOS-Box/ ScummVM user so there is not much experience I can share.

I am also not sure about the copy protection, it would be more difficult for new runners to get a version with copy protection (I assume most version avialable have it removed). On the Amiga I still have to do a 4-digit input even if its always the same symbol -> I dont see much difference if you have to look up the code or press the default code to open the door but I am not 100% sure how the copy protection of this game really works and how times consuming it is to find out the right code.

For the Amiga configuration I could hand you over my setup and then we recommend using that in the rules. My setup is pretty basic so I am sure everybody using an Amiga emulator can configure it.

It is a pretty tricky topic, but we should definitly extend the Leaderboards somehow, this game just deserves it :)

btw: For me personal (as long as I am the only Amiga runner) I dont care if everybody is on the same Leaderboard for the beginning as long as people can identify the difference on the Leaderboard (like The Secret of Monkey Island I am in last place, because the Amiga version is different and I am the only one running the Amiga version but people can esay identify why). So if setting up the Leaderborads is to diffcult, I can also live with that. My main goal here on src is to represent the Amiga community and not getting Records.

Editado por o autor 4 years ago
Texas, USA

@mattmcgrath I wouldn't mind being a mod if you want to make me one. Either regular mod or your position, if you just want to move to being a regular mod. I'll leave it up to you.

In regards to the categories, it's a tough call. I agree that SCUMMVM should remain a separate category. I think DOSBox and Amiga could possibly be combined into one category, since code lookup isn't necessary in either. There's also the option of separating categories by the door settings (i.e. one category where the door to the 2nd floor is open, one for closed but any code, and another with full copy protection in place). I'm not sure which one is best, though.

Perhaps looking at other games' categorizations would be quite helpful. I'll try to find some that have similar issues and see what was done there.

Editado por o autor 4 years ago
MilkToast curtiram isso
Hesse, Germany

Thanks for taking part at the discussion.

So at the moment we have two different kind of runs

  1. Both Doors open (Lab Door Mod)
  2. Inner Lab Door closed (No Copy Protection?)

I think those both type of runs would be the most common and we should at least seperate the LB for those.

If I click on "submit run" there are three different options you can choose from:

  1. Lab Door Mod 2 .No Modification

What is the differences between 2 and 3 ?

Btw: Stoic_Rose is currently practining the Atari ST Version, I try to find out what doors are open/closed in this version.

Editado por o autor 3 years ago
Texas, USA

It's not actually a 3rd option, there's only 2 options available for mods. The - is the equivalent of skipping the question on a form you're filling out, so it's neither No Mod or Lab Door, it's "I didn't feel like selecting one."

There's also the fact that SCUMMVM allows text skip, while other versions that have the Lab Door Mod don't allow it. So that would be 3 categories, I guess. One for SCUMMVM, one for non-SCUMMVM LDM, and one for no LDM.

EDIT: Made some changes to the categories. Thoughts?

Editado por o autor 3 years ago
Hesse, Germany

Alright got it thx.

Well I assume I have to submit my run into the No Mod Category then?

Texas, USA

Yeah, that would be the category for it.

Texas, USA

Yeah, "No Lab Door Mod" is probably better. Not sure how else to separate SCUMMVM from the others than to just label the category SCUMMVM. Any ideas?

EDIT: Maybe make "Any% Lab Door Mod" and "Any% No Lab Door Mod" the two main categories with "SCUMMVM" as a subcategory and "Other Platforms" as a 2nd under the first main category, and outright ban it in the 2nd?


Editado por o autor 3 years ago
Texas, USA

Changed the categories. Forgot to edit the runs first, though, so @mattmcgrath your DOSBox run and @MilkToast your Amiga run had to be resubmitted. SCUMMVM runs weren't affected. Everything should be correct, but if you don't mind, please check and ensure that the miscellaneous info on the runs is indeed correct (e.g. description, date, etc.).

Editado por o autor 3 years ago
MilkToast curtiram isso
Texas, USA

His is under the No Lab Door Mod category.

Editado por o autor 3 years ago
Hesse, Germany


I want to come back to this game, but I dont like to play this one route over and over again, so I'd want to suggest new categories for Maniac Mansion:

Would be nice if we extend the Leaderboards with a new Tab labeled something like "Endings". In there are 3 (or 5 this depends) new Leaderboards for the different Endings. Weird Edsel Meteor Police Publisher

(please check out the post from misguided_fool at the very end, he explains everything very well about all the different endings. There are more possible categories to be found if needed.)

Not sure how to handle this between LabDoorMod/NoLabDoorMod. Imho we should just note in the rules, that you have to get the code for the door regardless which "Mod" you play. The run would be longer sure, but still sub 15m.

What do you think? I am open for everything, as long as there is a new cool category :D
