Getting started with CC+FPS
1 year ago
Bavaria, Germany

Here is how you can get started with the speedrun category CC+FPS

You should set up basic speedrunning things

Now are coming the CC+FPS exclusive set ups

  1. Download Bandicam or any other FPS limiter and install it
  2. Open Bandicam go to game and then to the point FPS
  3. Set up an individual hotkey to toggle the FPS cap
  4. Select your FPS cap, I suggest using 8fps but from 5-8fps everything should work Note: on 8fps are some flies not possible what means you have to change before doing a fly the fps to 6 or 5
  5. That's it basically now you can clip through doors, just toggle before a door the fps cap and press a few times crouch till you're through

To the Clip technics, pre crouching and soon I will create a video or add it below that but I need some clips where I can show what happens with what without

Editado por o autor 1 year ago
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