PSA: About Name Changing - PC
7 years ago

If you want to run and have a donation incentive or something for changing names, MAKE SURE YOU KNOW WHAT YOUR PAUSE BUTTON IS.

Pause Button will kick you out of that Menu for name changing every time. So you will need to change the Key on game boot up. So say if your donation incentive is to call someone Kryptic, default binding will always stop you at Kryp and not allow the ic.

Default Key is i Believe P. And it is 100% the Pause Key. Only Keyboard setting needs to be change.

Malzahar_Botz curtiram isso

So i did some further testing on this. You can copy paste names into that text box... As long as it fits 10 character limit, any character can be put in the box via copy paste.

Copy pasting also gets around the Key Binding for Pause, meaning that as long as you have the named copied you can paste anything. An example of the Symbols.

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