verifyer application
2 years ago

Hello I would like to be a verifyer I can verify runs fast I have a lot of time on my hands at the moment thank for reading this and have a good day

Djdjsjdkdkd curtiram isso
Illinois, USA

you have only done one run and it couldn't even be verified. you'd have to be very active in the community and the game before we consider adding anyone.

grnts, fenstrax, e lemoncoughdrop curtiu isso

ok can i just please have it

Texas, USA


grnts, Naegi e 3 outros curtiu isso
Galway, Ireland

@adward you can’t really get verifier by asking for it, that’s just not how it works

grnts, Naegi e 2 outros curtiu isso

look here please

Galway, Ireland

@adward + I wouldn’t make you a verifier since you can’t even spell the word right

grnts, Feuer e 3 outros curtiu isso

gwuys can i bwe a verifyer???!!!! 😃😃😃🤐😎

grnts, Wrap e 3 outros curtiu isso
Illinois, USA

gwuys can i bwe a verifyer???!!!! 😃😃😃🤐😎

grnts, Wrap e 3 outros curtiu isso
Galway, Ireland

gwuys can i bwe a verifyer???!!!! 😃😃😃🤐😎

grnts, Wrap e 3 outros curtiu isso

He said no 1!1!!1!1!!1!1!!

gwuys can i bwe a verifyer???!!!! 😃😃😃🤐😎

grnts e fenstrax curtiu isso
Galway, Ireland


lemoncoughdrop curtiram isso

bwut pweaseeeeee.............. 🥺🥺🥺🥺

Djdjsjdkdkd curtiram isso

gwuys can i bwe a verifyer???!!!! 😃😃😃🤐😎

United Kingdom

gwuys can i bwe a verifyer???!!!! 😃😃😃🤐😎

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