Why PS4 and PS4 Pro/ PC Category
7 years ago
Berlin, Germany

I take the choice for a PS4 only category because the PS4 its a lot slower then the PS4 Pro and PC Version. On PS4 its nearly impossible or impossible to get 3 Stars in some Missions, one of them is Mission 12. On the PS4 Pro looks all normal and you can get the same times as the PC Version. I posted a thread in the Ubisoft forum and hope they will fix the timers, that you can make a 100% run on the PS4 too or i take the time and try to get the fastest time, and poste a 2 Stars time for the missions that are impossible to clear with three stars.

Here are two videos that show the difference bettwen PS4 and Vive and one Video nearly perfect with 1:30 second over the threee stars time.

Lower left is Roboleader, Upper right is WolfMathwe

Mission nearly perfect

I Hope every unterstand my choice why i did it in this way and i hope my english is understandable.



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Postado 7 years ago
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