New: All Worlds!
4 years ago
Texas, USA

Hey guys!

Since development for the game has wrapped up, I've added a category called All Worlds, in which you must reach 50 points in all worlds with any character. Sub 10 is possible and I'm excited to see if anyone can reach that!

New South Wales, Australia

Would like to point out this is one of the easiest speedruns to fake/splice ever... But eh, if you have faith in the community whatever

Texas, USA

Heyo! Just as an update, All Worlds is open to all runners for completing 100, 500, and 1000, as well. However, the categories will not be listed until someone expresses interest in running said categories. Cheers :))))

Pernambuco, Brazil

Nice!! I'll definitely try for 100 and 500, but not for now. I'll take a little break from playing "competitively"

Oxknifer curtiram isso
Texas, USA

I'd hope you'd hit the 1000s on all levels before attempting an all worlds 500 :D

Pernambuco, Brazil

It depends on my patience on grinding Tangled, it's really frustrating to have a good run ended by a random crate. It's not that I don't like the map, the chaos is fun... but snakes and crates really destroy your sanity 😃

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