Fawns Chess Difficulty 6 Speedrun
4 years ago

In Fawns run the computers thinking time is INSANELY short. When I tried to play against the computer at difficulty 6 it took the computer for the first move roughly 40 to 50 minutes, whereas it took the computer in Fawns run only about two seconds o.O

The only explanations I have for this are either a ) he somehow was able to select and then play on a different difficulty level (which to me is very unlikely, because at difficulty 1 it takes the computer about 6 seconds to play the first move) b ) he edited the original video by cutting out the computers thinking times or cheated otherwise c ) I am unaware of some sort of game mechanic or glitch or whatever

If it's just my unawareness ore something else I couldn't think of then I would appreciate a short explanation of what actually happened in Fawns run.

Otherwise I want to suggest to either put Fawns run in the difficulty cathegory it really belongs to, or to delete Fawns run from the leaderboard.

Editado por o autor 4 years ago
MelonSlice curtiram isso

I am a reversi player but I did a quick test too it seems weird I tried it on gambatte latest version and there run is so fast. I watched the run in slow mo some things did seem out of place to me but I don't really play chess in the 4in1 fun pak just reversi so I may be a lil wrong.

I think the move load times are super sus I timed it took me around 45 minuets give or take 1 min to make one move in my chess difficulty 6 game the same move they did and the next move 10 mins in I gave up on loading it most likely be about the same. even if there was a glitch would it cut off almost 50 minuets of time and considering there description says Classic Prank. if the glitch does do that tho its an amazing glitch and I wish I knew it >_<

Editado por o autor 3 years ago

Ohh hahaha! I never thaught it would be that simple, I totally missed this. Thanks for the explanation! :)