Regarding Veman
7 years ago
California, USA

I do appreciate it very much that you would take the time to type something like this up. Even though many of my opinions still stand, it's nice to have just a little more insight when it comes to making them. The problem is you only briefly mentioned the issue at hand. How did you come up with these times? As far as I'm aware load times are not consistent and also vary between sd/usb drives. There is also less lag, notably in master bedroom and armory, which alone would save several seconds each. I'd also like to know exactly how this feud with Skozzy came about, I've heard you were fairly close at one point.

California, USA

I've never had contempt with you, obviously since I know very little about you personally. I'm just trying to piece together history, anything about you is either relating to that task or for the sake of the leaderboards. That aside, I feel vicariously offended when you insult my friend, who in my mind is far off from your previous descriptions. Especially after he's decided to completely separate himself from such matters, just wanting to be left alone. As far as the hardware, I don't have the information to properly speak on it, so I'll leave that to whoever cares. I've covered everything, so I'm done with this thread. Good luck in whatever you decide to do, speedrunning or otherwise.

Edited by the author 7 years ago
TheBronyGames likes this
Wyoming, USA

As someone who's only seen Skozzy in his arrogant, salty form, it's very interesting to read all this about him, and how he's changed from what he used to be pre-LM, and even still. I'm trying to deduce what happened, as the catalyst of his change in personality that was mentioned, cause while I don't particularly like him, for the way he acts, I want to have some faith in him that he can change, (though that's for another time).

As far as the hardware ordeal goes, I'm not sure if different release periods of Wiis cause any difference in timing, but I do know that different loaders, and HDDs/SD cards can be faster and slower (My current 16 GB SD card comes to mind, being speed class 10/10, when my old 4GB was 4/10). And in terms of the room lag, that, I can confidently say exists on GCN hardware, especially for me, when it comes time for armory.

But, In the end, the past is in the past, and we can't change what's already happened, but we can reflect on it, and learn from it. I hope once everything finally gets laid to rest here, we can look back on it, and have better insight on what to do in the future, should something like this happen again.

Edited by the author 7 years ago
Florida, USA

This is unnecessary and petty. Locking it up.

Poefred likes this
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