7 years ago
Ohio, USA

Post any glitches you find here :)

I've experimented a bit with some wall and gate clips, but haven't yet found a way to move freely after clipping. Would be interesting if someone were to experiment themselves:

Oregon, USA

Well, being able to fall OOB is a good precedent! If there is a manageable way to fall past a load zone for a long room, you could probably activate the door and sneak in!

Though that has its own potential for problems/glitches... I wonder how room transitions are handled...

Ohio, USA

A friend of mine discovered a new way to duplicate items, shown here:

To do it you need to hold the interact button while exiting a menu of some kind, like the pause menu. This makes the game press the interact button multiple times in a frame.

The dupe becomes more consistent the lower your game's framerate is.

Note that interact needs to be bound to a mouse button in order for it to work.

Other inputs can be manipulated using this method, as long as they are bound to a mouse button. There may be some other cool interactions out there to discover :)

Enthusiast likes this
Saga, Japan

I'm using the XBOX controller to press the interact button and the X button at the same time to duplicate items without stopping, is this prohibited?(Google Translate)


Laure likes this
Ohio, USA

I think it's fine. Someone could bind the same buttons to their mouse and have the same effect.


UsagiTakahashi likes this
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