yuffie warp saves?
7 years ago
United States

hello, so im looking into doing speedruns of the pc any% and having trouble finding where i could get saves for the run or do i have to make them myself? If that's the case anyone willing to help me out with that?


The any% doesn't utilize saves done before the run, that's the NG+ category. So if you just want to do the normal any%, then no saves are needed.

United States

well i guess i don't understand how the yuffie warp works then? im kinda confused lol

United States

You'll save in various locations to set up the warps as you go. You end up reloading the saves at specific points in the run.

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Hello PC runners!

We are pleased to introduce a new tool for PC runs intended to better solve the issue of fairness between runners with regards to hardware differences as well as greatly simplify the process of running.

***Download, Install, and Usage guide:

The tool is called SpeedSquare, creat

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