8 years ago
Ohio, USA

tbh half of the threads in this section should be in the speedrunning section.

just sayin.

we should be talking about like our feeling in this section.

Edited by the author 8 years ago

Too much drama = Chibi's path, so yes, be very careful about that.

About Lance's statement, I think the talk section is a free discussion area to speak about anything, but some topics here could be moved from talk to speedrunning section, if the debated informations are worth it.

Maybe I'm wrong, but I guess a lot of topics are here because some people don't know if the subjects have been already dealt with, or not. Or some people assume that posting here won't bother the speedrunning or the streaming sections, which are used to have serious answers to serious questions. It's a safe spot to ask or state anything.

Chiba, Japan

Half of the topics are ? Hmm hell no I'd guess...

However, I do see some of the topics / threads are kinda related to speedrunning, so we can request the admins to transfer the said threads to the speedrun board section so that we can keep this place safe to talk about anything that doesn't have too much to do with the speedrunning which is the main thing in this community. :)

Alabama, USA

Too much drama to the dark side may lead..... :) The full list of Dixie Chicks concerts available in 2016. Tour dates are also there.

Edited by the author 7 years ago