Individual levels must be present
1 year ago

I think it's good idea to run levels at this game

Montana, USA

You can now submit individual levels. < 3

Connecticut, USA

I think what could make the category more streamlined is to begin with the Give All Weapons and Give All Veil Upgrades cheats activated. That way everyone can go through the level with the same unlocks and make it possible for console players too.

Timing starts on mission select and stops when mission complete dossier shows up.

Another thing is I think both Any% and 100% are possible categories for IL runs. Only thing with 100% being you'd probably need a save that has all the levels unlocked but none of the collectibles collected. Which is possible you'd just have to basically do a cheat% run or play the game on hard mode with no upgrades lol.

Montana, USA

i think this is a fine idea. IL's in games usually allow using all weapons/upgrades/etc. I think having (regular) category [only having weapons/medallion powers that would be possible at that point in the game] AND (all weapons) category that starts with the cheat you are saying.

I'm less thrilled about makiing a 100% category for ils. But honestly, if someone does a 100%il or any of the previously mentioned ones, i will make a category for it.

thumbs up

Connecticut, USA

Ok yeah I can see that. I'll submit runs for anything really (except uber diffs so I guess not anything lol), so I may get some in tonight to get a sense for how they would play out.

Montana, USA

cool. just add in the notes what category the run "should be" and we can work it out from there


Cheat% is really good idea for IL, and 100% too. About save without collectibles, I'll take care of it.


Oh, DuaneJones, can you add side quests on leaderboard like, Warehouse, officer's house, radio station and etc, please

Edited by the author 4 months ago

Oh, I found saves on russian website, Probably this is a saves of walkthrough without collectibles.

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