Why is this called Portal 2 (PC)
9 years ago
Friesland, Netherlands

Are console runs not allowed on these leaderboards?

Victoria, Australia

console smells funny

Gaubbe likes this

I want to start running this game but should I be concerned about tricks I can’t do in ps3 that can only be done in pc?



this is a thread from 5 years ago



I want to run the game kappa

Texas, USA

There are a number of tricks that can't be done, or are very difficult to do on console.


Because of the joystick?

Victoria, Australia

afaik, inbounds runs are technically possible on console i ran console portal back in the day and bhopping is possible but hard on console

Champagne-Ardenne, France

There's a reason why everyone is running on PC, I don't see why running on console would be a good idea imo and i'm pretty sure there's many things you won't be able to do or with more difficulty. If you really want to run the game as you said, just get the PC version honestly


My PC is trash FeelsBadMan

Edited by the author 4 years ago
Frederic likes this

theres literally no good reason to necro a post tho my dude

just create a new thread at this point


The thtead isn't even relevant anymore. You can submit ps3 runs, and the game isn't called PC anymore. Feel free to do ps3 runs ;)

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