v1.1 is out, and there are BIG changes for speedrunning.
5 years ago

So the Air Palace update dropped today and there's a big change that reworks the speedrun entirely. Mostly for the better because they take out a lot of the RNG that goes into getting good cursed item rolls, but things also get much trickier.

The change in question comes from the cursed item stand which is now available at the plaza. You can spend gems to get a cursed item at the start of your next run. This does NOT override the relic you equipped, so you can still enter with the pathfinder's map.

On that note, there are two new cursed relics which outclass everything in 1.0. There's the Laws of Contingency, which makes all attacks do 99 damage and somehow makes the machine gun mage build even better than it already was. And if you're completely insane there's Chaotic Comedy, which causes everything to die in one hit. Up to and including council members. [Sura needs one hit for each form, but his shield is ignored entirely.]

Chaotic is maybe the more interesting of the two in that it gives room to experiment with arcana builds. You no longer need the damage from the machine gun build because everything dies in one hit anyway. So does the priority become wiping rooms fast with stuff that'd otherwise do little to no damage?

There are probably pros out there with way more thought in this than I have but I figured I'd at least start up the conversation.

EDIT: As a note it doesn't seem like the autosplitter works on this version. It starts on 1-1 as it should but it doesn't make splits properly.

Edytowane przez autor 5 years ago

Very soon we are going to overlook and make changes to the speedrun categories since this update has indeed big effect on the speedrun community.

As of now we won't verify any speedruns because of this. My guess is that we are done with discussing comming Friday / Saturday and we will apply the changes shortly after. Make sure to join our discord to stay up-to-date with the changes we make.

SpaceBroJakob to się podoba

So is Chaotic Comedy allowed from now on or is it just a different category of Wizard of Legends' speedruns?

New York, USA

The rules should state whether or not you can use relics from Nox from the plaza, before your run actually starts. This was updated pretty shortly after update 1.1 launched. If there is an issue with the rules I can change it.

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