Utah, USAthatbelgiandude8 years ago

Heyo! I'm ThatBelgianDude, a Brazilian living in the United States, and I'm a total beginner to speedrunning: I've been following the scene for a while, beyond the AGDQ/SGDQ streams and searching for individual games: it was probably the Tropical Freeze runs that got me interested in the whole thing in general.

To be honest I'll probably just keep watching for a while before jumping into anything because these next few weeks may be a bit crowded for me - but once that's done I'm looking into games like The Witness and the Darksiders franchise, for starters. Still not sure and it would be good to start with games that are a bit small as to not burn out so I think that'd be nice.

Looking forward to hang around and learn about different tips and techniques, as well as keep on touch with the latest runs. Hope everything goes well and I'm glad to be here!

O thatbelgiandude
8 years ago
8 years ago