A Small Skip in Warehouse Run
4 years ago
Ohio, USA

In the final warehouse of Episode 2 Mission 2, Warehouse Run, it is possible to skip climbing the ladder to the second floor.

There is a small wooden box inside the final room of the level that slightly sticks past the green crates. It is possible to jump on this box, then from the box onto the crates, and thus make it to the final room without climbing the ladder. I've found that it is easier to make this jump while moving backwards, facing away from the green crates. With practice it can be done consistently, and it saves a few seconds.

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New leaderboard changes!

Hey everyone! Some new changes have been made to the South Park (1998) leaderboard! Wanted to make a post here so everyone can be aware, and if anyone has concerns, feel free to dm me, or create a forum post about it. Noted below will be the changelog of everything created/changed for the leaderboar

1 year ago
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