Any% - Werster - July 29th 2015
Any% - Werster - July 29th 2015
Zaktualizowany 9 years ago przez werster (Includes Abraless strats, highly worth it atm. Loses less than 1 minute vs perfect Abra, getting through a run is near impossible so taking away luck is worth it)

Support Notes: (Some useless as this is copied from Glitchless)

X Items:

Rival 2: 1 X Speed, 2 X Att Wattson: 1 X Speed Maxie: 1 Guard Spec, 1 X Att Flannery: 1 X Att Slakoth: 1 X Att Norman: 1 X Def, 1/2 X Speed, 4-5 X Att Rival 3: 1/2 X Speed, 2 X Att / 3 X Spec Winona: 4 X Att / 2 X Spec Maxie: 0/1 X Spec Tate & Liza: 1 X Speed, 1/2 X Spec Archie: (1 Guard Spec, 1 X Speed), 1/2 X Spec Pheobe: 1 X Att Glacia: 2 X Att / 1 X Spec drake: (1 X Att) (X Speed as backup would be nice) Wallace: 1 X Att, 1 X Spec

Total: First trip: 2 Speed, 2 Attack After that: 11-18 X Att, 3-5 X Speed, 6-10 X Spec, 1 X Defend, 2/1 Guard Spec (extra X Speed if you can)

Note: 4 X Atts can be subbed for 2 X Spec if you have the Hidden Power Ice Note: 2 X Atts can be subbed for 3 X Spec if you have the 29+ IV or 15+ IV with Sp Att+ nature Note: At 93 Sp Att (27+ IV or 9+ w/ Sp Att+ nature) only use 1 Spec on T&L Note: At 8 IV or below, buy 5 Speed (Norman/Rival 3, not Archie) Note: At 9-10 IV, buy 4 Speed (Norman, not Rival 3 or Archie) Note: At 11-17 IV, buy 3 Speed (none of the 3) Note: At 18-19 or 26-27 IV, buy 4 speed (Archie, not Norman/Rival 3) and 2 Guard Spec Note: At IV 20-25 or 28+ buy 3 speed (Archie, not T&L) and 2 Guard Spec

Note: At Speed IV 25-28, you tie with Wattsons Voltorb, def use X Speed Note: At Speed IV 20+ with +speed nature and Att IV 22+, double strength Maxie's Mightyena to avoid speed drop

36 exp needed for 16 before second grunt 190 exp needed for 20 before Wingull 34 exp needed for 22 before Voltorb 86 exp needed for 26 before lvl 18 numel 354 exp needed for 28 before Slugma

Rival 2 Groyvle range: Sp Def 27: 40-48 (0-2 IV with minus nature) Sp Def 28-32: 34-40 (7 IV or less) Sp Def 33+: 30-36 (8 IV or more)

Def 27-29: 9-11 (0-10 IV with minus nature, 1/16 11) Def 30-33: 8-10 (0-10 IV, 1/16 10) Def 34+: 7-9 (11 IV or more, 1/16 9)

Mt Chimney Mightyena Bite range: Sp Def 41 or less (2 IV or less): 17-21 Sp Def 42-45 (3-17 IV): 16-19 Sp Def 46+ (18+ IV): 15-18

Flannery's Torkoal Overheat range: Sp Def 44 or less (2 IV or less): 37-44 | Sun: 55-65 Sp Def 45-46 (3-9 IV): 35-42 | Sun: 52-62 Sp Def 47 (10-13 IV): 34-41 | Sun: 51-60 Sp Def 48 (14-17 IV): 34-40 | Sun: 51-60 Sp Def 49-50 (18-24 IV): 33-39 | Sun: 48-57 Sp Def 51 (25-27 IV): 32-38 | Sun: 47-56 Sp Def 52 (28+ IV): 31-37 | Sun: 46-55

Weather Institute Mightyena Bite range: Sp Def 52 or less (5 IV or less): 17-21 Sp Def 53-56 (6-17 IV: 16-19 Sp Def 57+ (18+ IV): 15-18

Petalburg Decatty Faint Attack range: Sp Def 49 or less (0-9 IV or less): 12-15 Sp Def 50-54 (10-26 IV): 11-14 Sp Def 55 or more (27+ IV): 11-13

Norman's Slaking Facade range: Def 49 (0-2 IV): 40-48 Def 50-51 (3-8 IV): 39-46 Def 52-53 (9-15 IV): 38-45 Def 54-55 (16-21 IV): 36-43 Def 56-57 (22-27 IV): 35-42 Def 58+ (28+ IV): 34-40 (Minus natures): Def 45 or less (0-8 IV): 44-52 Def 46 (9-11 IV): 43-51 Def 47 (12-15 IV): 41-49 Def 48-49 (16-21 IV): 40-48 Def 50-51 (22-27 IV): 39-46 Def 52+ (28+ IV): 38-45

Rival 3 Pelipper attack range: Defense 52 or less (5 IV or less): 15-18 Defense 53-59 (6-26 IV): 13-16 Defense 60 or more (27+ IV): 12-15

Altaria damage range:

Dragonbreath: Sp Def 73 or less (1 IV or less): 21-25 Sp Def 74-78 (2-14 IV): 20-24 Sp Def 79-84 (15-30 IV): 18-22

Earthquake: Def 76 or less (5 IV or less): 20-24 Def 77-79 (6-15 IV): 19-23 Def 80-83 (16-23 IV): 18-22 Def 84 or more (24+ IV): 17-21

Maxie's Mightyena Take Down range Def 79 or less (2 IV or less): 23-28 Def 80-81 (3-7 IV): 22-27 Def 82-85 (8-17 IV): 22-26 Def 86-89 (18-27 IV): 21-25 Def 90+ (28+ IV): 20-24

Maxie's Crobat Wing Attack range Def 81 or less (7 IV or less): 28-33 Def 82-86 (8-19 IV): 26-31 Def 87-90 (20-29 IV): 25-30 Def 91+ (30 +IV): 23-28

Aqua Golbat Wing Attack range Def 83 or less (7 IV or less): 17-21 Def 84-90 (8-24 IV): 16-19 Def 91+ (25+ IV): 15-18

T&L's Claydol Earthquake range

Def 73 (minus): 44-52 Def 74-76 (minus): 43-51 Def 77-78 (minus): 41-49 Def 79-80 (minus): 40-48 Def 81-83 (3 IV or less): 39-46 Def 84-87 (4-12 IV): 38-45 Def 88-89 (13-17 IV): 36-43 Def 90-93 (18-26 IV): 35-42 Def 94-97 (27+ Neutral): 34-40 Def 98-101 (Plus): 33-39 102-104 (Plus): 31-37 Ancientpower is 7-9 and 8-10 on minus

T&L's Xatu Psychic range

Sp Def 72-73 (minus): 56-66 Sp Def 74-75 (minus): 54-64 Sp Def 76 (minus): 53-63 Sp Def 77-78 (minus): 51-61 Sp Def 79-81 (2 IV or less): 51-60 Sp Def 82-83 (3-7 IV): 49-58 Sp Def 84-85 (8-11 IV): 48-57 Sp Def 86-87 (12-16 IV): 46-55 Sp Def 88-90 (17-23 IV): 45-54 Sp Def 91-93 (24-30 IV): 44-52 Sp Def 94-96 (31 IV Plus): 43-51 Sp Def 97-99 (Plus): 41-49 Sp Def 100-102 (Plus): 40-48 Sp Def 103 (Plus): 39-46

Archie's Mightyena Take Down range: Def 79 (minus): 31-37 Def 80-81 (minus): 30-36 Def 82-84 (minus): 29-35 Def 85-87 (minus): 28-34 Def 88-89 (3 IV or less): 28-33 Def 90-92 (4-10 IV): 27-32 Def 93-96 (11-19 IV): 26-31 Def 97-99 (20-26 IV): 25-30 Def 100-102 (27 IV+): 24-29 Def 103-107 (Plus): 23-28 Def 108-110 (Plus): 22-27 Def 111+ (Plus): 22-26

(Sharpedo does roughly 2 brackets more, in case tanking a Slash)

Archie's Crobat Wing Attack range: Def 79-80 (minus): 28-34 Def 81-84 (minus): 28-33 Def 85-89 (3 IV or less): 26-31 Def 90-94 (4-14 IV): 25-30 Def 95-99 (15-26 IV): 23-28 Def 100-106 (27+ IV): 22-27 Def 107+ (Plus): 21-25

Glacia's Sealeo Blizzard range:

Sp Def 131-134 (0 IV): 187-220 Sp Def 135-139 (1-7 IV): 183-216 Sp Def 140-142 (8-11 IV): 176-208 Sp Def 143-147 (12-18 IV): 173-204 Sp Def 148-151 (19-24 IV): 166-196 Sp Def 152-157 (25+ IV): 163-192

Glacia's Walrein Ice Beam range:

Sp Def 132-135 (0-1 IV): 193-228 Sp Def 136-139 (2-7 IV): 187-220 Sp Def 140-142 (8-11 IV): 183-216 Sp Def 143-147 (12-18 IV): 176-208 Sp Def 148-151 (19-24 IV): 173-204 Sp Def 152-157 (25+ IV): 166-196

(First Glalie does ~30 less, second Glalie does ~15 less)

Drake's Shelgon Dragon Claw range:

Sp Def 133-139 (0-7 IV): 57-68 Sp Def 140-146 (8-17 IV): 56-66 Sp Def 147-151 (18-26 IV): 52-62 Sp Def 152-161 (27+ IV): 51-60

Wallace's Wailord Blizzard range:

Sp Def 136-138 (0 IV): 183-216 Sp Def 139-140 (1-3 IV): 180-212 Sp Def 141-143 (4-7 IV): 176-208 Sp Def 144-147 (8-12 IV): 173-204 Sp Def 148-149 (13-15 IV): 170-200 Sp Def 150-152 (16-19 IV): 166-196 Sp Def 153-156 (20-25 IV): 163-192 Sp Def 157-159 (26-29 IV): 159-188 Sp Def 160-163 (30+ IV): 156-184

Wallace's Gyarados Hyper Beam range:

Def 137-138 (0-1 IV): 67-79 Def 139 (2 IV): 66-78 Def 140-141 (3-5 IV): 65-77 Def 142-143 (6-8 IV): 64-76 Def 144-145 (9-11 IV): 63-75 Def 146-148 (12-15 IV): 62-74 Def 149 (16 IV): 62-73 Def 150-151 (17-19 IV): 61-72 Def 152-154 (20-23 IV): 60-71 Def 155-156 (24-26 IV): 59-70 Def 157-159 (27-30 IV): 58-69 Def 160 (31+ IV): 57-68

Voltorb at lvl 21: IV 31 ties at +1 | At lvl 22: IV 25-28 ties Vigoroth At lvl 31: IV 7-10 ties Linoone At lvl 31: IV 14-16 ties Carvanha At lvl 33: IV 9-11 ties | At lvl 34: IV 5-7 ties | At lvl 35: IV 2-4 ties Mightyena At lvl 33: IV 3-5 ties | At lvl 34: IV 0-1 ties | Lvl 35 wins Groyvle At lvl 33: IV 6-8 ties at +1 | At lvl 34: 2-4 ties at +1 | At lvl 35: IV 0-1 ties at +1 Xatu at lvl 36: IV 25+ outspeeds | At lvl 37: IV 21+ outspeeds (can't tie) Altaria At lvl 38: IV 21-23 ties | At lvl 37: IV 27-28 ties Mightyena At lvl 40: IV 4-5 ties Crobat at lvl 40: IV 29+ outspeeds at +1 (can't tie) Golbat At lvl 41: IV 9-10 ties Claydol At lvl 42: IV 26-27 ties Solrock + Lunatone At lvl 43: 20-21 wins (can't tie) Crobat At lvl 45: IV 15-17 ties at +1

Zigzagoon at lvl 20: IV of 25+ gets OHKO Electrike at lvl 20: IV of 30+ gets OHKO | At lvl 21: IV of 23+ gets OHKO Mightyena at lvl 34: IV of 29+ gets OHKO | At lvl 35: IV of 14+ gets OHKO Groyvle at lvl 34: IV of 21+ (N+) gets OHKO at +1 | At lvl 35: IV of 21+ gets OHKO at +1 Groyvle at lvl 34: IV of 29+ (T) gets OHKO at +3 | At lvl 35: IV of 16+ (T) gets OHKO at +3 Altaria at lvl 37: IV of 21+ (N+) gets OHKO at +4

(HP, Att, Def, Spd, Sp Att, Sp Def) 17: 0/5/9/4/0/0 18: 0/5/9/5/0/0 19: 0/5/9/7/1/0 20: 0/5/9/10/1/0 21: 0/5/10/11/3/0 22: 1/5/10/13/4/0 23: 1/5/10/15/6/0 24: 1/5/10/17/6/0 25: 1/6/12/17/8/0 26: 2/6/13/18/10/0 27: 2/9/13/19/12/0 28: 2/10/13/20/15/0 29: 2/11/15/20/16/0 30: 2/11/15/20/16/0 31: 5/12/15/24/16/0 32: 8/12/15/28/17/0 33: 8/16/15/29/17/0 34: Above or below 35: 8/19/17/31/18/0 36: 8/19/17/31/18/0

Whismur: 6: 58 Exp (15 or Torrent WG to kill) Nincada: 6: 55 Exp | 7: 65 Exp (WG to kill) Poochyena: 6: 47 Exp | 7: 55 Exp | 8: 62 Exp (15 or Torrent WG to kill) Taillow: 6: 50 Exp | 7: 59 Exp | 8: 67 Exp (15 or Torrent WG to kill, Rock Tomb Level 8 if not torrent) Skitty: 7: 65 Exp | 8: 74 Exp (15 AND Torrent WG to kill)

Lotad: 15: 94 Exp | 16: 100 Exp (Strength to kill) Seviper: 15: 353 Exp | 17: 400 Exp (Mud Shot to kill) Nuzleaf: 15: 302 Exp (Strength to kill)

Oddish: 13: 118 Exp (Strength to kill) Poochyena: 12: 94 Exp (WG to kill) Wingull: 12: 92 Exp (WG to weaken, Strength to kill) Electrike: 12: 178 Exp | 13: 198 Exp (WG to kill) Plusle/Minun: 12: 205 Exp | 13: 222 Exp (Strength to kill) Gulpin: 12: 128 Exp | 13: 139 Exp (Strength to kill)

EXTREMESPEED Whiscash: 220 Atk

AERIAL ACE Altaria: 229 Claydol: 208 Sandslash: 240 Pelipper: 204 +1 Dusclops: 208 +1 Dusclops: 233 +1 Glalie: 203 +1 Sealeo: 209 +1 Shelgon: 234 +1 Altaria: 249 +1 Flygon: 245 +1 Wailord: 259 +1 Milotic: 254 +2 (1) Gyarados: 264 +2 (1) Whiscash: 272

FLY Dusclops: 266 +1 Dusclops: 200 +1 Walrein: 255 +1 Wailord: 223 +1 Milotic: 218


Walrein: 267

1 elixer in first set

1 elixer in second set - then centre at mossdeep (ether afterwards)

1 ether for rayquaza (19 for a centre) - Mossdeep option is especially good if you sacked a slave because of Perish Song

(224 to skip grass, 5 grass tiles. Encounter is ~11) Assuming 1/16 per tile, odds are 1 in 3.6, which times 11 = 3.03 seconds, therefore percentage play.

Want to:

Recheck money just to make sure it's all fine

29 --> 30 is 2349 (295 before Machop)

30 --> 31 is 2534 (255 over after Vigoroth, Candy would do 2279)

31 --> 32 is 2727

32 --> 33 is 2928

33 --> 34 is 3135

34 --> 35 is 3351

35 --> 36 is 3572

36 --> 37 is 3801

37 --> 38 is 4038

If you use 1 Rare Candy early, try to do 1942+ so that you can be 34 after Rival 3. (Thinking about doing this and then 2 after to evolve, and use a 4th one after taking an intentional death to Tropius to 38)

Mt Pyre trainers give: 603, 369, 1068 [2040 total]

Tropius is 1086 (543 split up) [All Exp marks assume split up]

Exp Marks: Assuming 1 extra trainer in Roxannes gym 94 Exp for Lvl 15 before Poochyena (can ohko w/ torrent) 465 Exp for Lvl 16 before first Aqua Grunt in Museum 183 Exp for Lvl 16 before second Aqua Grunt in Museum 57 Exp for Lvl 19 before Groyvle 104 Exp for Lvl 21 before Electrike 501 Exp for Lvl 28 before Slugma 101 Exp for Lvl 28 before Camerupt 1295 Exp for Lvl 29 before Torkoal (Asures 2hko) 295 Exp for Lvl 29 before Machop (to rare candy to 30) 2031 Exp for Lvl 30 before Makuhita (Assure kill with strength) 1677 Exp for Lvl 30 before Delcatty 909 Exp for Lvl 30 before Slakoth 447 Exp for Lvl 30 before Vigoroth 1789 Exp for Lvl 31 before Norman's Vigoroth | 1006 Exp for Linoone | 265 Exp for the Slaking 1597 Exp for lvl 32 before Carvanha 2541 Exp for Lvl 33 before Carvanha | 2003 Exp for Lvl 33 before the Mightyena 761 Exp for Lvl 33 before Grovyle 970 Exp for Lvl 34 before Double Battle at Mt Pyre 3249 Exp for Lvl 35 after Mt Pyre

38 before Winona is 5458 more Experience

961/4999 Exp to lvl 37/38 before Tropius 3949 Exp to lvl 38 before Pelipper 2896 Exp to lvl 38 before Skarmory 1780 Exp to lvl 38 before Altaria 4046 Exp to lvl 40 before Mightyena 3032 Exp to lvl 40 before Crobat 2456 Exp to Lvl 41 before Golbat 1211 Exp to lvl 41 before Gyarados 1266 Exp to Lvl 42 before Tate & Liza 3433 Exp to Lvl 43 before Solrock/Lunatone 2255 Exp to lvl 44 before Steven Double (Steven Double varies a lot, but you get 45 before just Crobat with extra 4822) 3883 Exp to lvl 45 before Mightyena 2760 Exp to lvl 45 before Crobat 969 Exp to lvl 45 before Sharpedo

5545 Exp gets lvl 46 after Archie (bad)

Vigoroth at lvl 30: IV 11-13 ties at +1 | At lvl 31: Iv 7-10 ties Linoone at lvl 30: IV 18-20 ties at +1 | At lvl 31: IV 14-16 ties Carvanha at lvl 31: IV 0-2 ties | At lvl 32: All neutrals win Carvanha at lvl 32: IV 12-14 ties | At lvl 33: IV 9-11 ties Mightyena at lvl 32: IV 6-8 ties | At lvl 33: IV 3-5 ties Groyvle at lvl 32: IV 9-11 ties at +1 | At lvl 33: IV 6-8 ties at +1 Xatu at lvl 36: IV 25+ outspeeds | At lvl 37: IV 21+ outspeeds (can't tie) Altaria at lvl 37: IV 26-27 ties | At lvl 38: IV 21-23 ties Mightyena at lvl 39: IV 7-9 ties | At lvl 40: IV 4-5 ties Crobat at lvl 40: IV 29+ outspeeds at +1 (can't tie, 39 never gets there) Golbat at lvl 40: IV 12-13 ties | At lvl 41: IV 9-10 ties Claydol at lvl 41: IV 29-31 ties | At lvl 42: IV 26-27 ties Solrock + Lunatone at 42: IV 23-25 wins | At lvl 43: 20-21 wins (can't tie) Crobat at lvl 44: IV 19-20 ties at +1 | At lvl 45: IV 15-17 ties at +1

PP: (All + 4 seconds)

Forest Ether: 16 frames - Get for Post T&L Beach Ether: 24 frames - Get for Rayquaza Rival 2 Elixer: 0 frames - Get for pre Norman Cave Max Ether: 40 frames North of Mauville Elixer: 56 frames - Get for pre Winona Aqua Base Max Elixer: 270 frames - Get if no slaves dead

(After Mauville Heal) Mud Shot | Mud Shot (Water Gun), Mud Shot (Water Gun). Mud Shot, Mud Shot, Mud Shot, Mud Shot + Mud Shot Water Gun, Water Gun, Mud Shot/Water Gun¤¤ (Water Gun) Strength, Strength, Strength Water Gun, Water Gun Water Gun | Strength | Water Gun, Strength, Strength (Water Gun), Water Gun. (Strength first Numel w/ 60 attack) Mud Shot + Strength, Strength, Mud Shot/Water Gun Water Gun (Mud Shot if Sunny Day), Strength, Mud Shot, Mud Shot + Mud Shot. Strength, Strength, Mud Shot. (Strength Makuhita at Lvl 30 or 72 attack, i.e. 14 @ 5) Mud Shot + Water Gun + Mud Shot (Mud Shot + WG + Strength always kills at 30) Rock Tomb + Mud Shot | Mud Shot + Strength + Mud Shot Strength, Mud Shot, Strength, Mud Shot + Strength + Strength. Mud Shot | Surf, Surf | Strength, Mud Shot | Mud Shot, Surf + Surf/Surf

¤¤Strength + Strength, Mud Shot | Water Gun, Water Gun¤¤ ¤¤Strength + Strength, Strength + Strength¤¤ ¤¤Strength, Surf (Surf) | Strength, Strength, Mud Shot¤¤

Probable: Mud Shot 24 | Strength 14 | - 1 elixer Spinners: Mud Shot 1 | Strength 9 | Possible + - | +

After Weather institute bed:

Strength (Surf on Harden), Strength, Strength + Strength (Rock Tomb turn 1 to try and save PP) ¤¤Mud Shot, Strength + Strength + Strength | Strength + Strength, Surf + Surf¤¤ Mud Shot | Strength | Strength Pooch & Shock Wave Pooch, Mud Shot & Shock Wave, Surf Strength + Strength + Strength

(Elixer here) Strength, Strength + Strength, Strength + Strength, Surf + Surf, Rock Tomb + Strength

Mud Shot | Strength | Strength | Strength | Strength Surf & Powder Snow | Strength, Surf, Surf, Surf | Surf, Surf + Surf, Surf Surf & Shock Wave Zubat | Surf & Shock Wave | Surf & Shock Wave Surf, Surf or Surf + Surf, Surf + Surf

Get Max Elixir here and heal again after Gyarados (if he hits you), makes Strength PP easier. However, you must take the centre at Mossdeep if you lost a slave at Winona

Strength + Strength + Strength

Strength Kirlia & Powder Snow, Strength & Powder Snow. Strength | Strength | Surf | Surf Surf | 6: Surf Strength | Surf, Surf, Surf | Strength | Surf | Strength. 7 Surfs

Ether here with Max Repel

Surf, Surf + Surf, Mud Shot + Surf/Surf

Strength Swellow & Shock Wave Swellow, Rock Tomb/Strength¤¤ Xatu & Shock Wave Xatu, Surf & Shock Wave, Strength & Shock Wave w/high Sp Att: Strength Swellow & Rain Dance, Surf & Shock Wave Doduo, Surf & Shock Wave Xatu w/ Torrent: Surf & Shock Wave Swellow, Strength Pelipper & Shock Wave Pelipper, Surf & Shock Wave

Probable: Strength 30 | Surf 39 Spinners: Strength 5 | Surf 2


HP: 20 is 0-19 | 21 is 20-31 Attack: 13 is 20-31 Sp Att/Defs: 10 is 0-19 | 11 is 20-31 Speed: 9 is 0-19 | 10 is 20-31

HP: 22 is 0-16 | 23 is 17-31 Attack: 14 is 20-26 | 15 is 27-31 Sp Att/Defs: 11 is 0-16 | 12 is 17-31 Speed: 9 is 0-3 | 10 is 4-19

HP: 24 is 0-14 | 25 is 15-28 | 26 is 29-31 Sp Att/Defs: 12 is 0-14 | 13 is 15-28 | 14 is 29-31 Speed: 10 is 0-5 | 11 is 6-19

HP: 26 is 0-12 | 27 is 13-24 | 28 is 25-31 Attack: 17 is 10-22 | 18 is 23-31 Sp Att/Defs: 13 is 0-12 | 14 is 13-24 | 15 is 25-31 Speed: 11 is 0-7 | 12 is 8-19

HP: 28 is 0-11 | 29 is 12-22 | 30 is 23-31 Sp Att/Defs: 14 is 0-11 | 15 is 12-22 | 16 is 23-31 Speed: 12 is 0-8 | 13 is 9-19

HP: 30 is 0-9 | 31 is 10-19 | 32 is 20-29 | 33 is 30-31 Attack: 21 is 20-29 | 22 is 30-31 Sp Att/Defs: 15 is 0-9 | 16 is 10-19 | 17 is 20-29 | 18 is 30-31 Speed: 13 is 0-9 | 14 is 10-19 | 15 is 20-29 | 16 is 30-31

11: HP: 33 is 10-18 | 34 is 19-27 | 35 is 28-31 Attack: 22 is 15-23 | 23 is 24-31 Sp Att/Defs: 17 is 10-18 | 18 is 19-27 | 19 is 28-31 Speed: 13 is 0-1 | 14 is 2-10 | 15 is 11-19

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