i would like to make some new categories
4 years ago
Alaska, USA

I love this game a lot, play it often, and would love to make some new categories for speedruns if that would be possible

Alaska, USA

nvm my bum computer can't handle it might do on ds soon though

Idaho, USA

What were you thinking of? It would help if would tell me the specific category you want me to add.

Alaska, USA

kk so my first new category is 4 kingdoms % so essentially it's the main story, and you have to conquer ignis fontaine and greenleaf fastest.

Idaho, USA

That doesn't sound bad. I'll add it. and you submit a run to it.

Alaska, USA

it'll take a bit since i've never done this before but yeah i'll get it done as soon as possible

Idaho, USA

It's okay. Take your time.

Alaska, USA

hey sorry man my computer just can't handle it so i'll have to find another way it'll take some time sorry for the extreme delay

Idaho, USA

That's okay. You don't need to apologize for delays. This is speedrun.com: Where people submit runs whenever they want or can. The mods don't care if you are late in submitting a run. We're not in a rush.

Alaska, USA

kk thanks so much

Speedrunner0218 to się podoba
Bristol, England

Related to this, recently I finally finished my main save file 100% and thought that maybe it could be a good idea to add a 100% category. I understand that this would be a long video , so instead of filming a 100% run, you just show what the in game timer says (before you play a story), Then show that you have beaten all stories, evolved all warriors, registered every Pokémon and warrior and that all of the warriors have their 100% link Pokémon (as shown when you look at them in gallery and go to the "perfect link tab" and it says "perfect link found"). As I said, I think this may be too long to film in one go but I'd like to know what you think.

Idaho, USA

That would take so freaking long though. You would have to complete all 37 or so stories, the main story, evolve all warriors, and get all 200+ warriors in the gallery, w/ perfect links, and all 200+ pokemon registered in the gallery. And also, the problem with using the in game timer is that it doesn't accumulate resetting the game and reloading the save, so it wouldn't be accurate. It'd be better too use a real time timer, and just pause the timer when you pause the game. If you want to do it though, go right ahead! Just use a live timer while you are playing, and can pause when you pause the game.

There is a plan for an All Legends category if you want to do that. It is just registering all ten legendary pokemon in the gallery. I plan to do that run this summer. If you want to do it as well, I will publish my notes after my run is finished.

Bristol, England

Yeah, I know it would take a long time, just an idea as obviously it would be a long time to do so. Different styles of runs sound good though.

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