Opublikowano 1 year ago przez

Hello everyone. Recently, the Haloruns.com moderators have expressed a desire to remove the category extensions pages for all of the mainline Halo games as these category extensions are now being hosted on the haloruns.com site. Due to the activity of Spartan Ops and the large clutter that would be caused trying to port everything Spartan-Ops-related to the haloruns.com site, this page will not be deleted and will instead be repurposed to hold all categories related to Spartan Ops speedrunning.

I have removed all of the main full-game categories that were related to the main missions, and now the categories for full game are the individual episodes themselves. If there is enough activity in these episode runs as well as interest for running all 10 of these episodes at once, I will implement a new category for a full Spartan Ops run, but for the meantime, that will be excluded. I have also added categories in both full-game and in ILs for Acrophobia Solo and Co-op. The same timing rules and game rules apply, but you can use any combination of skulls you like.

Visit haloruns.com for Halo 4 base categories and category extensions, as well as categories for all other FPS Halo games!

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Opublikowano 2 years ago przez

After some consideration, I will be updating the rules to include the following:

  • Using the pelican to complete the main objective in the Attenuator Tower is ALLOWED, but exiting the tower in the pelican is BANNED

So, in summary, you can use the pelican to clear the enemies inside of the tower and complete the objective, but you cant do the exit method that I did in the 11:51, and instead you will have to exit the pelican just before the door and exit the tower the intended way, thereby not skipping any triggers.

I will be removing the 11:51 run and reinstating my old 12:04, and I will update the rules accordingly. If more strats end up popping up that affect the full path (which, considering how broken this mission is, is certainly within the realm of possibility), I will post it if it too is questionable.

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Opublikowano 2 years ago przez

In my most recent PB of 11:51, I utilized an OOB that allowed me to bring a pelican into the Attenuator Tower section. The problem with using this strat doesn't stem from using the pelican in this section since you're completing the main objective anyways, but rather in the part where I exit the tower. You can see me hit a load in the pelican and get teleported out of it, with the other pelican loaded in and ready to go. The problem with this is that it does technically skip a couple of triggers when exiting the tower, and if you were to do this tower first, you cannot continue to the gondola tower, leading you to be in this weird softlocked state of the tower being both complete (main objective finished) and incomplete (exit triggers skipped) (testing these things is what helped me initially find that doing gondola tower first is faster). Of course, you can circumvent this softlock state by simply going into third tower, similar to the regular IL. The run does not break any current rules, but the pelican OOB in the attuenator tower is questionable, as you do still complete the main objective in the tower, and the game will not let you out of the tower until that objective is complete anyways, but it does technically skip a couple of exit triggers, which prevents the mission from continuing normally. The question is: should this strat continue to be allowed in the full path run, knowing that the tower's objective is still completed, or should it be banned, similar to the launch used in the regular IL that also skips a couple of triggers?

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Updating this Page - Now a Dedicated Spartan Ops Page

Hello everyone. Recently, the Haloruns.com moderators have expressed a desire to remove the category extensions pages for all of the mainline Halo games as these category extensions are now being hosted on the haloruns.com site. Due to the activity of Spartan Ops and the large clutter that would be

1 year ago
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Opublikowano 2 years ago
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Opublikowano 3 years ago