****Revisiting the "Remove Duel from the Rankings" Discussion - 2016 EDITION****
6 years ago
New York, USA

Nearly three years ago now, there was ample discussion in this thread: http://forums.the-elite.net/index.php?topic=19147.0 on whether or not Duel PA 0:09, or the Duel level all together should count as a WR or even be on the rankings in the first place. Given how in the past couple of years public opinion has shifted completely on things like Marc's converter or Berube's 53, I think now is a good time to revisit the argument for Duel being or not being on the world rankings.


Here are some arguments for Duel REMAINING on the rankings:

  • It's always been that way since 2001

  • Some ppl who worked hard for the Duel WRs would feel sad because their records would be removed


Here are some arguments for Duel BEING REMOVED from the rankings:

  • Duel is unlike other missions in either GE or PD in that it is not unlocked by progressing through the game. It is unlocked by playing a training exercise outside of the missions of the game. This indicates Duel is more of an external training exercise than it is an in game mission.

  • Duel was never ¤intended¤ to be played through as a distinct mission with its own story. It is a bonus stage. Every other level in GE/PD are part of the big story, or their own unique one. Duel is not.

  • There is no cheat unlocked for beating Duel in a fast manner. Every other of the 40 stages in GE/PD do have a cheat unlock. Duel doesn't. If anything, the reason we began speedrunning these games was to unlock the cheats. Duel is unique in that it doesn't have this same quality.

  • Since Duel has hundreds of ties, it no longer serves the ability to effectively rank anyone. A world rankings requires definition and difference between competitors in order to effectively rank its competitors. Since Duel is so full of ties, it is useless in this regard.

  • Removing Duel would give Perfect Dark a 6000 point ceiling, in line with Goldeneye, improving consistency across both games.


Feel free to discuss your views on either side of the debate. I might update some points in the OP as they are brought up. Also I may add a poll in a few days but not until people have had time to discuss and debate before voting.

Georgia, USA

Not really wanting to add to the debate other then I'm one of the it's a mission so it counts people but I do want to point out one thing and that is that the other bonus missions do not have a cheat to unlock. Not adding that as a point in keeping the duel just wanted to point it out so you don't have false info.

Edited by the author 6 years ago
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