How to Handle the Addition of Busan
5 years ago
United States

I have just completed both a co-op and solo all maps run, however I see that most runs that are up do not have the newest map (Busan) included in their times. I am not sure how exactly this should go about getting fixed, but all of my runs included Busan and it would damage the longevity of the category itself if the answer were just "skip Busan". Just thought I would point this out since the map has been out for a few weeks and therefore should be included in all runs claiming to be ALL maps.


I think that we should add a rule: When the new map gets realised then we add 2:40 for each new 2 CP map 5:40 for each new Hybrid/Payload 6:00 for each new Control

United States

I was thinking something along those lines as well (a lot easier than just antiquating runs like hero addition). Those values seem fairly balanced and accurate.

United States

Upon review of in-game timing mechanics, I've found 6 min to be an absolute minimum for KotH if played perfectly. Would it be better/more realistic to account for human error in these estimations by making it like 6:30 or something? Maybe do it case by case and average their times for all maps of that type and add that (i.e. add up times for ilios, lijang, nepal, and oasis and divide by 4)? That may be over complicating things, but I do feel as if it would be a more accurate adjustment and therefore more representative of an actual time (at least for KotH maps).


Yeah but then we need the perfect segments to be uploaded like 6:32 on Lijang 7:01 Busan and on in the newer runs and on the runs that already exist

United States

I see what you are saying, but allow me to give an example. If you take the 2nd place 2p co-op run, the KotH maps run from minute 44 to minute 74 (roughly). If you subtract 44 from 74 (74 - 44) you get a solid 30 minute block spent doing the 4 KotH maps. This means that, on average, each map took the individual players 7.5 minutes to do each. KotH doesn't have much variation during a run, so it could be estimated that Busan (for those specific players) would take 7.5 minutes. There is no way to know if it would have been faster or slower, because it could have been either. I feel as if it would be wrong to estimate that it took them 1.5 minutes less to do one map, when it took them 1.5 minutes more per map individually. A system of averages would be both scalable and representative of the individual pace of the run in isolation. I find this reflected in my splits, as each different mode takes a different amount of time significantly, however maps in these subsets are all within 30 seconds of each other. This paradigm could easily be expanded for any other maps added in the future, as not to antiquate any runs unnecessarily AND has the added benefit of taking into consideration the quality of the run itself and the time that individual runs would project for new maps.

United States

All numbers were taken from video timestamps. If there is a split program being used that would make it easier, as the times would be more exact (therefore, so would the average). In this specific example, this would adjust the time w/ loads from 1:39:47 to 1:47:17.

Edited by the author 5 years ago
Ohio, USA
He/Him, They/Them
5 years ago

I skimmed this thread tbh, but, I dont understand why the category wouldn't just be reset like everything else when there's significant patch changes.

ex: new heroes in practice range, etc.

Edited by the author 5 years ago
GoodleShoes likes this
United States

Well my reasoning is as follows: These category extensions do not have many runs. In addition to this, addition of a map is not really the same as addition of a character. In a run like the PR, while there is a theoretical minimum time, it is still largely based on skill and can't really be estimated due to the large amount of variation. With maps (especially KotH) there is a set minimum and the games will play out largely in the same way no matter what. I think antiquating runs would be a fine solution, but not the optimal one as far as keeping categories alive goes. I personally don't care what the solution is, I just think there needs to be one because, as it stands, two of the three runs are either incomplete or unadjusted. The adjustment would still give the current runs a chance to rerun and beat the adjusted time without just invalidating them or making all the legacy categories stupidly small or completely barren (as they now are).

United States

I am just trying to offer an alternative to making more legacy categories for a game that is going to keep adding content. The PR is not really adjustable reliably, but the all maps is (largely because the maps are self contained whereas PR is not). I am really ambivalent as to what the solution is, I just think the solution of averaging would be easier than making 6 legacy categories for 3-4 runs.

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