9 years ago
Pays de la Loire, France

Do we use blizzard timer or our own timer?


As a common rule for speedruning - RTA (real time). So, timer starts when you gain control over units first time (after loading and skipping first cutscene) and ends when you finish campaign/mission/game. It is not necessary to show timer on video, but may be easy and informative for potential viewers.

In game timer provides many problems such as pauses, loads, slowing and others.

I haven't updated (formalized) rules for RoC because there was nobody who was interested in running. Personally I planed only TFT. You may check TFT page to see how it should be.

As we have some people there I'll fix RoC categories soon.



I've updated time of your run to 11:03 (starts ~ at 00:11 and ends ~ at 11:14) Hope it's correct.


As I filled up categories, please reupload your run to the game category (Prologue campaign). I can not move level run to the game section.



Fixed, thank you.

PeruVi3N (as we don't have private messages :()

I verify your run. But for future runs or improvments: it's a bad idea to cut video befote 'main quest completed' text appears. I know that you pass the mission but that's not obvious for everyone. Actually, better cut at the final screen

Pays de la Loire, France

Ok thanks sorry for that. Btw I wondered what you guys use to record Warcraft III because I have problems with OBS, I just record a black screen :( , which is not the case with other games.


I use OBS (v.0.651b) and have no problems now. But it seems to me that I have something like that before. Try to create a new profile/scenes/source, check settings which you change from default.

Pays de la Loire, France

Couldn't find a way to make OBS work with WarcraftIII so I'll continue using Bandicam until I find a solution



Try resolution 16:9 instead of 4:3. I remember some problems with 4:3 resolution in OBS which lead to black screen records without scaling. Don't know why, but scaling solve this problem. So, you maybe should try that too.

For myself I choose to use 16:9 because black bars are not that critical and later I want to use this space for timer in the left part of the screen (when run full campaign with splits)

Pays de la Loire, France

It works perfectly thanks a lot :)

United States

Necro bump.

I did some testing with the in-game timer. On a modern day PC, the game time syncs flawlessly with real time to the down to the frame from when the loading screen disappears to when the victory box appears. I advocate using those be used as the start and stop points for real time for individual levels. Older runs that don't skip the first cutscene don't need to be penalized as a result of rules being changed, just given a standard offset to compensate. I can retime the runs for the leaderboards too.

Adding game time as a secondary comparison on the leaderboards could be helpful, too, especially with full-game runs to essentially remove load times.

Bewerkt door de auteur 7 years ago

Same as my tests. We definitely gonna switch to ingame timer for IL runs. To do that we need to retime all old runs and formalize the rules. If you can do retiming it would definitely help me a lot.

United States

Sure, but there's one thing that should be addressed. Unless I can get in contact with runners and have them work with me, I'd have to cut out each mission time and upload them to YouTube myself. The video is there as proof of existence and can be found by using the seekbar. This is especially true for campaign runs since you already know about where it starts.

Originally the site supported timestamps, and when the big change happened last year, it broke the support. I still hope it gets added back in.


I'm not sure I understand you completely. We talk about only IL. There are no plans now to change full campaign timing. So, we need to only add offset for old runs to match new rules (ingame timer).

Of course in ideal world it would better if every runner remake video with final screen (with time) included. And every video will meet new rules. But I don't feel it's possible. So, decent solution will be to not change old videos but add offset and short comment.

UPD: There is no need to add every mission to IL leaderboards from existing full campaign runs. If you ask about that.

Bewerkt door de auteur 7 years ago
United States

I'm referring to sajiki's rejected IL runs I submitted for him. They were rejected for not being individual videos. I've done that for the Command & Conquer series and StarCraft 1 to find records for missions. It's more useful than you may think. Not only does it find all the IL records, but lets everyone know the current best strats to use in campaign runs. I only add PBs, not literally every attempt.

Edit: You did this yourself for your campaign runs for Sentinels, why can't others be on? Going over the runs, I saw some were rejected because a better one was approved. Those are still worth approving for the sake of runners' personal best history and a game's world record history.

Bewerkt door de auteur 7 years ago

You upload one video with full campaign run (which was already been verified btw) as the video for every level run. Even without timestamps.

If you want for whatever reason cut Sajiki's Human campaign run mission by mission - I will verify these videos with no problem. If you or him have better IL PB's from over attempts it will be even better (exact thing that I've done with TFT Sentinels)

A bit more about my TFT Sentinels runs: I've added PB's for every mission for the exact reasons you talking about. And of course anyone can submit their runs too. Never has been a problem.

Only best attempt per player shown in leaderboard. So, I see no reason to upload newer&worse runs - simply because they will not appear in leaderboard. It was probably an issue once for all time. I can't remember with whom since it was a long time ago but if he really wants to verify this attemps I can do that, no problem. Just let him know that nobody will be able to watch his run (because his own better run "overlaps" in leaderboard).

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