Francelegrandgrand2 months ago

Hey! I just realized that there is a new ruling regarding ways to capture the game, as wwell as a save/load prevention rule. as far as I know this wasn't a thing recently.

I find it kind of weird that those were added out of the blue without contacting any of the runners of the game. This means that all my records should be labeled as Emulator despite not being emu because I can't be bothered to capture my game feed on camera, which I also have no way to do with my current setup. Considering how important stylus control is for the game I feel this run at high level is extremly unlikely to not be done on actual hadware. However if you want to be picky about it, whatever it's no big deal.

The one thing that reallymakes me scratch my head is that on top of that not allowing game S&Q makes no sense on an Any% category. If you want no S&Q then it should be a separate category. Even if for whatever reason reseting allowed for actual RNG control, then this should be part of the Any% category (and if it was the case, I doubt it would be used because it would not really save that much time anyway)

Francelegrandgrand4 years ago


So I've been working on this game since it came out to make a solid route available here: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL5iVdh2ochMQ2JCgofCJoi3xBKHk01YtR

While making my splits, I basically realized that this game existed here, and I was just waiting to do a solid run, which should be around 1h30 from my calculation, before creating the game here.

Worth noting that I routed "NG+" to include the Epilogue and not have to do anything extra than campaign, since to do that you need 100 starships and that would basically require to do something like all Puzzles too and like 4-5 extra fast maps.

So two questions here: first, is it possible to have moderator rights for this game, as I'm planning to be quite active in this? Secondly, Any chance to discuss the ruleset for this game? I am seeing that Any% doesn't include the Epilogue which is a shame IMO, and no one besides me seems to have put much time into the game.

Francelegrandgrand5 years ago

As the quetion was raised in the discord and we have had some submissions of emulator runs, I'd like to make a post about it to clarify it.

As we mentioned before in discord, both mods for the game, me and Ghoul sees it as pretty negative and unproductive to allow Emulator runs on the leaderboard, even on a misc new leaderboard.

Even if it is a nice category to run and play if you have the means to, it is in the end just the same run as the Wii U version but with incredibly smaller loadings. So then what would be the point of running the official version, now that it is slower and with smaller QoL? The only thing for it would be it's the official version, and that would make emu runs more attractive than console, whichis not the objective when it comes to having a time in a game. Knowing how to go faster in an official version of the game is.

The inconsistency of Wii U emulation makes comparison between 2 runners pretty much impossible as well. Have one person with a smaller setup than the second runner and suddenly it's impossible to compare just because of performance issues. and we have seen how Emu is just so much faster; your run is faster by 7 minutes (and latest attempt faster by 10 minutes.) Provided that timesave stays the same, and it doesn't since there's more loading screens later on, that makes at least 1h30 of time difference. And what about newer versions of the emulator, that makes emulation more accurate to the console? Suddenly we are facing a record that is objectively impossible to beat, considering the amount of timesave (that is really just artificial timesave, again) that was done on a worse version. Now sure you could stay on a less accurate version, but then what's the limit? Find the most inconsistent emulator to save more artificial time? How do you make a leaderboard of that mess?

Now obviously the problem is software inconsistency we can't control on a leaderboard unless we start making BS rules. And why is that? Ultimatly a leaderboard is to compare runs. That is all. I am not denying the quality of the run, but denying the interest it has to make a leaderboard for it.

TL;DR: Emulation is not allowed on the leaderboards for this game as it is too inconsistent. But reminder that you can always do runs without submitting them to leaderboards.

Francelegrandgrand5 years ago

Hey there, me again.

So during my attempts today someone pointed out something that I could do better on this map with Andy: Up until now I have been holding positions around the HQ, slowly taking out the huge ground armada that comes at you but Cyghfer told me that it's probably more effective to blockade the bridges.

I tried it a little and I think I see that being doable, though I don't really see how to do it very well. Anyone having an idea? on how to do that?

Francelegrandgrand6 years ago

Hey everyone!

So I've been trying to reroute the game glitchless since last week, and I got some pretty good result, saving a good chunk of time over the current Alistair's route.

Among other things, I came really close to getting Kanbei's Error (last mission against Kanbei) in 5 turns with Sami. Her T-copter has the range for it but everytime I try it gets destroyed on the way or the infantry gets killed before being able to reach the HQ.

So I was wondering if anyone knew if it was possible to clear it in 5 turns. I have a working 6 turns with Max but this map really would use to save a turn, as there's a bunch of ennemy units moving around.

PS: is there any discord to discuss about these games? Would probably be more efficient than SR.com forums.

Francelegrandgrand7 years ago

Hello everyone! While trying to create my set up for NG+, I went ahead and tried to crack the power formula... and I foud out about it!

Total power=(personal power+weapon/chain power)¤personal power/10

Pretty sure defense works the same.

So since personal power is both based damage and the multiplier, it's more than likely what you should focus on while making your file set up (aka 7 bulkward brand). Still going to run some charts to test all that anyway.

Francelegrandgrand8 years ago

In the attempt to make this forum more useful than what it s currently (which shouldn't be easy, really), I'm going to open this thread, as part of many others to discuss the route (currently for what are on the leaderboards).

But since some details/strat finding are probably more easy to discuss somewhere else, I'm also going to create other threads, one for each towers, opening with a video of an IL as of early September I did to show the route and discuss my choices ad then open debates for optimisation.

For now the probably most up-to-date route is my C ending PB right there: http://www.speedrun.com/run/6yj1r83y (probably don't pay attentio to the execution it's terrible). So for now if anyone has any ideas to improbe the route used here feel free to do so!

Francelegrandgrand8 years ago

Welcome everyone on the Pandora's Tower speedrun forum!

If you just found this game by accident let me introduce it: Pandora's Tower is a Wii game that came out in 2012 in Europe/Japan, 2013 in USA, and is part of the Operation Rainfall game, with Xenoblade Chronicles and The Last Story.

Even if it's part of the same "serie", it's not, in contrast with the 2 other games, a J-RPG focused game. This game is more of a dungeon crawler where you have to finish 12 towers in which a boss is at the very end, called masters. The whole game is based on those dungeons since there is no overworld maps. There is also a home where the hero, Aeron can talk with Elena, the heroin and main reason why we are here, and increase his relationship with her, which will be what will change the end of the game. You can also talk to Mavda, a Vestran mysterious woman, and trade, buy, sell and create stuff.

The fighting gameplay is in really two parts, the main weapon (starting with your sword), which allow to fight at close range and the Oraklos Chain, which can be used in really various ways: grapple lever, items, open doors, yank ennemies to deal damage, stop them from moving... and so on. It's really the main feature of the game and uses motion control and the main reason why it's a really cool game to play!

Anyway, I think I'm done with this really brief presentation. There are a lot of stuff I didn't present, but this isn't the main focus of this thread, and this forum. This forum is going to be the place where we are going to discuss strats, routes and everything speedrun related to his game. Besides the two runs done on the 11th by me and chopperman nothing has been done on this speedgame and it's the occasion for all of us to vcreate a new speedgame from scratch! i'm really looking for it, and hope we will be to create something amazing !

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