United StatesZenicReverie3 years ago

Thinking of picking this game up. It might be more interesting if the pyramids were standalone categories. As stated in their rules it seems more like you'd have to play through the first two pyramids completely to get a qualifying time. Thoughts?

United StatesZenicReverie3 years ago

Thinking on it, All Elevators could be the category name. I think the idea was to have a warpless route like SMB. Calling it 100% to me would imply visiting all rooms or picking up all items, both of which aren't easily tracked.

United StatesZenicReverie3 years ago

bump for new mod

United StatesZenicReverie4 years ago

Pick easier games to get WR in after a day if that's what you care about. Easy to get them when there's very little competition.

RetroPacman vinden dit leuk
topic: The Site
United StatesZenicReverie4 years ago

Can I get added as a mod for Godzilla (GB)?

The moderator's links seem inactive for quite some time, and the twitter account no longer exists. I tried to whisper them on Twitch, but haven't heard anything in a month.

United StatesZenicReverie4 years ago

While I understand the category, the rule "Warps not allowed." doesn't cover for the need to use warp pads in stage 4 to progress. Changing it to "All elevators must be used" or "No warps in hidden rooms allowed." is clearer. Hidden rooms being those that you can't pull up the map.

United StatesZenicReverie4 years ago

The currently posted "warpless" run takes a warp from stage 5 to stage 6, and then following that a warp from stage 6 to stage 7. Watch at about 23:45, just before entering the warp room to skip stage 5. Honestly, this video should be removed, it's not a speedrun, let alone a warpless one.

topic: The Site
United StatesZenicReverie4 years ago

Looks like the search option I used most often for browsing all games was removed: sort by date added to the site. Was this moved to somewhere else?

topic: The Site
United StatesZenicReverie4 years ago

why did you create another thread? it'll be fixed when it's fixed.

topic: The Site
United StatesZenicReverie4 years ago

I'd like to see an option to sort the game list by follower count.

United StatesZenicReverie4 years ago

Could always start at the games that have one runner, and see if you like the game. Can you believe there are over 600 games with a page that don't have any runs? If you see something that can be improved, and you like the game, improve it.

topic: The Site
United StatesZenicReverie4 years ago

looks like a bot, posting in the wrong forums with weird links.

Daravae vinden dit leuk
topic: The Site
United StatesZenicReverie4 years ago

Sorry if these were already mentioned, I tried to search, but didn't find anything.

On the games page (, list view isn't formatted well anymore. Also the grid view has two issues: there's no padding so text butts right up against each other, and images or varying size makes the grid uneven. Using Chrome, not sure about other browsers.

Also, not sure what's causing it, but in the IL runs on my profile the Shikinjou IL Table's formatting is scrunched to the right. It looks find on the game page, so I'm not sure what's causing it.

United StatesZenicReverie4 years ago

Never not played a game casually before speedrunning it, but I have followed a speedrun route without thinking about my own. The first speedrun I finished, I ended up looking at the speedrun right after beating it casually without working on my own route. It greatly influenced the route I took, and even though I knew I could improve on the larger execution errors, I overlooked smaller ones. Now, I always working out a route on my own. Only once I've got a solid route, ran it a few times, and have an estimate will I look at outside sources for further strategies. If I work backwards it'll influence my own ideas of what works or what might be fastest.

United StatesZenicReverie4 years ago

If you're really interested in learning more, check out the tournaments that have taken place, and those happening right now to gauge how well they're attracting a community. Look at how they've evolved and changed their rules.

Back about 10 - 15 years ago, I played in a small tournament that was pretty fun where each week the goal for the game would change: score - get top score no matter how speed - complete the game or goal as fast as possible survival - reach the farthest point in the game

Most of those score games were shmups, but that might have been the tournament organizers' preferences more than anything. Some puzzle games, like Tetris could be played with score goals in mind.

Not many here have interest in competing for score. You should check out the shmup scene to see if there's interesting in live competitions for high score, or maybe they're already happening.

I think the problem you're going to have for competing for score is the game pool. Taking away all the games that don't have score, have trivial scoring, or even random scoring, you're left with a small pool. Maybe don't limit whatever it is you're thinking of doing to just counting score.

topic: Talk
United StatesZenicReverie4 years ago

I like pizza flavored pizza

Pear, UbuntuJackson en 4 anderen vindt dit leuk
United StatesZenicReverie4 years ago

are you Skynet?

drgrumble en Tenka vindt dit leuk
topic: The Site
United StatesZenicReverie4 years ago

depends on how the mods handle it, but most likely they'd just drop the ms portion and any ties would have the same placement on the leaderboard.

Imaproshaman vinden dit leuk
Over ZenicReverie
Lid geworden
8 years ago
4 months ago
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