United StatesValientlink2 years ago

I think I found my answer, Yua doesn't corrupt the twitch vods. But maybe that will never be as accurate as frame counting the raw recording

United StatesValientlink2 years ago

The context is another game btw, if anyone missed that. It sounds like somewes might be better for mario? I just found it wasn't consistent for some other games.

It also seems like downloading twitch vods for avidemux or vdub doesn't really work, most of the files seem to get corrupted even though they play fine in any video player

United StatesValientlink2 years ago

I was wondering about this, not for SMB but Friday the 13th on NES. I'm only making a post here because I take it SMB frame counting is very precise and done a specific way, like many NES games with very optimized speedruns.

Most people seem to swear by avidemux/virtual dub, it seems both give me the same results overall.

Then some people swear by the somewes site, this seems to give different results than the above two and a different calculated frame -> time result than zapstudio would, so it seemed inaccurate.

United StatesValientlink2 years ago

Awesome run!

United StatesValientlink2 years ago

It's been overdue, especially since there's so many more runs now and quite a few ties around the sub 3:10 / sub 3:00 area.

ms have been updated for those who put them in the description, but mostly we'll be frame counting the runs ourselves which will probably take a week or two. If you have a run of yours you want to update yourself though, do feel free.

ZeroThe14th vinden dit leuk
United StatesValientlink2 years ago

Yeah I'm leaning toward this being fair game as well, it's just such a majorly silly glitch. For a game that isn't really that broken it's a strange one for testers to have overlooked, though I suppose the general idea of this game casually is to fight him indoors mostly, especially since you can't defend as well outdoors.

United StatesValientlink2 years ago

Yep, I did an oopsie

This raises the question, should we consider a run with this legitimate? The purist in me feels like no, but it's such a silly thing to even be possible and technically the final hit was still made on Jason. It's just so easy to do this by mistake, I was holding right on the d-pad and must've accidentally hit slightly down, but you could also do this by mistake if you had crouched at the end of your attacks.

I think it should be fine like this but I'd like to hear some other opinions.

On a side note, it's good to be back into playing this game. This was my first night of runs in almost 6 years. Seems like sound is a little weird though... like the bass is going in and out. My setup is extremely outdated which might not help

bedwablackburn en ZeroThe14th vindt dit leuk
United StatesValientlink2 years ago

The main reason I specified using console reset is that I felt using the reset from the menu was somewhat of an unfair advantage in this case. People who use a regular cart can't do that, so treating the everdrive like a regular cart in this case seemed like the best compromise to me. Hopefully that makes sense.

sadida en ZeroThe14th vindt dit leuk
United StatesValientlink3 years ago

I don't know of any other games off hand that have a specific category for emulator. Currently emu runs are hidden by default on the main boards. I'd probably not make an entire category for them since you can just choose to view only emu runs on the board, and I think people should be encouraged to use console when they want a decent time like sub 3:00.

Maybe I'm misunderstanding something though. This is how we do it in Ocarina of Time but I understand that's quite a different game.

United StatesValientlink3 years ago

So I didn't know much about this emulator, but I hear it's banned in pretty much all other games because of a lag reduction feature. There was a recent submission of 2:58 with this, but it also used autofire (which would have not been allowed anyway). Although apparently that bit about autofire was never in the rules, I coulda swore it was. I never came across any other runs on here that used autofire, though. It was only obvious here because the throws were oddly consistent and then I noticed it on the input display.

Just wanted to make a post about it. This game has really gotten a lot of runners over the last couple years so it would be good to discuss stuff a bit more about updating rules and such. From what I understand, FCEUX and Nestopia are fair game. On this guys 2:58 run, it did seem to me like some of the load transitions were a bit shortened, but apparently it can be near impossible to tell if someone is reducing lag (the feature that has resulted in this emulators ban)

United StatesValientlink3 years ago

Hi there,

So for the optimal route, I noticed some people have Laura or Crissy on day 2. Was curious if anyone has a preference for one or the other. I would much rather have Laura because I find it much easier to time throws with her and Mark, since their torch seems to have slightly more air time. Something about Crissys fast throwing in combination with faster Jason makes me more likely to miss hits. But I mostly used Mark / Laura in past routes so I could just not be used to it.

Also given Laura or Crissy can be in the cabin, would this mean there's technically a 2/256 chance for a good seed on this route? I heard the 1/256 figure awhile back but wasn't sure exactly how accurate that was. It seems like I get it pretty often, but maybe I'm just lucky.

That said, I'm going to start running this game again after 5 years and I'm pretty excited to go for record again! It's nice not having to 3 cycle Jason outside on day 1 anymore, that was the worst part of the route I used to run. Also it's nice to see this game go from 3 runs on the leaderboard to over 30. It seems while I've been gone a community has formed :)

DarthTyrael vinden dit leuk
United StatesValientlink3 years ago

Interesting, so there is a 50% chance he will start by the caves and only 25% for the other two? I assume any 3 routes can be applied to any cabin combination. Interesting data, I always thought it was more or less 50/50 between route A and B, but I never looked inside the rom years back when I was figuring stuff out. This makes a lot of sense, I noticed he would always start by the cave most often, especially with the "default" cabins

United StatesValientlink4 years ago

So yeah other than not including his movements through the woods, the A and B data is accurate. That was also just a WIP I made years ago in a couple minutes. There hasn't been any big demand to fix it (I'm also just largely an Ocarina of Time speedrunner) but maybe now would be the time. I'll admit I was also very confused with the current record route in how Jason moved through the woods.

This is the only thing I don't truly understand. I know he will enter the north woods to cut into the Lake on route B, and that's what record takes advantage of. I know he also cuts through the south woods to get to the southern cabin beginning route B after attacking the children. But when he is actually moving left or right I'm not sure. Either way this is the only thing I can think of being inaccurate about the A and B route data. His route taken and cabins visited are all correct. I'll try and contact the TASer to see if he can weigh in on that.

United StatesValientlink4 years ago

I'm aware for my A and B routing pics (which are not super well made), I don't explain the woods very well. That was an area I never put too much thought into and is a big reason I overlooked the current routes possibility. Other than that I don't see any issues with the A and B path theory, this is one thing that is correct. He always alternates between those two routes and will never take the same one twice.

As for the insta spawn, yeah in some areas Jason will basically stay in the same spot for a brief moment and you can get him to spawn right away. The example you posted was used in the old TAS route, also in the woods on day 3. He's still following the usual path of A or B route. Jason also never spawns from the left side of the screen even if he's actually moving to the left or leaves to the left.

United StatesValientlink4 years ago

I find timing the throws better, there is a certain rhythm to it. And it feels easier with Mark/Laura in particular but maybe that's placebo. They do throw a bit slower and it feels like there's more control?

United StatesValientlink4 years ago

Yeah, I think 2:50 might be possible but I don't see it going below that. I know the TAS route is quite different and even has to do a day 3 indoor big cabin fight, which is pretty gross.

United StatesValientlink4 years ago

I'm not sure how that work would exactly. In any case, the current fastest route is fairly common seed, so I don't think anything special needs to be done in order to get it. Maybe I'm misunderstanding something, I just don't know how possible it would be to manage this.

As a side note, timing doesn't actually start until you press start at the press start screen. Everyone else seems to think it's the first start press on the mask screen.

United StatesValientlink4 years ago

Yo, sorry for the late response. I get this error: "PGHGuitarGuy must enable e-mail authentication before they can be added as a moderator. They can enable this in Settings."

United StatesValientlink4 years ago

I was wondering if any active / particularly knowledgable runners would like to become a leaderboard mod. There's a surprising amount of runs being submitted now and it's hard to keep up between this and Ocarina of Time (and life). If you think you fit the position, just lemme know. I think I'll mod GuitarGuy by default since he has record.

Also, I'm considering removing "in game time." This was originally only placed there because some people weren't starting the timer until selecting the counselor, which I didn't feel was a legit final time. It seems to have caught on pressing start on title screen and ending on Jason's last hit, so there's kind of no reason to have "IGT" anymore.

PGHGuitarGuy vinden dit leuk
Over Valientlink
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9 years ago
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