FranceMasterDarkseid5 months ago

I updated to the emulator lastest version and the tracker doesn't detect the game anymore or the emulator in that matter. Anyway to fix it without downgrading


FranceMasterDarkseid11 months ago

Hi friends, So as you all know the mod is making the game crash if you try to play it in full screen. So you have to put it in windowed mode.

Do you have the solution to fix it ? As far as i know the game doesn't have windowed full screen.


FranceMasterDarkseid1 year ago

Hello mods, for the upcoming patch coming 24th. Which will feature Full mouse and keyboards support (Using the SH3 codes) and full 60 FPS support.

I'm asking if SH2 EE can have his own category outside of main vanilla category. Or maybe you're worried that people would run the mod instead of vanilla which i can totally understand.

So if we need to start somewhere i can post my 58 or 57m run i did like a month or two ago. That run is 100% glitchless (it's a 10 stars run with use of the Hyperspray tech on nurse)(I don't know if that count as glitchless or not)

Thank you.

FranceMasterDarkseid1 year ago

Like the title say any solution for the Video memory issue (called the GPU Heap issue).

FranceMasterDarkseid1 year ago

Like the title says. For 10 star runs i plan to use katana and/or blaster.

However i do not know how much uses i'm allowed for 7+ game clears.

So all i want is to know how the formula is calculated. Thanks,

FranceMasterDarkseid1 year ago

Like the title say. Do i just play though the intro/siege then once i'm at the church with the typerwriter. I just save. Then the SRT base the time.

Am i wrong ?

FranceMasterDarkseid2 years ago

Can anyone tell me how do we get consistant shooting kills with it. Because if i'm not mistaken. If you kill creatures from the further the spray can hit he count as shooting if you are close it's counted at fighting. But fighting kills can be done in the bugs room.

Now i've did a lot of run i always end up to 50+ kills. Despite i kill a lot of creatures both at the start and in the town at night. I think some kills just doesn't count at all.

So if any of you have the tech can you explain it to me please.


FranceMasterDarkseid2 years ago

Hello, I've did some test and the game run at full speed. Unlike MGS3 that is heavy CPU bottleneck leading to huge framerdrops during shagohod chase in gronyj grad and the boss fight.

The emulator run MG2 in 60 FPS (which in reality runs it at his original framerate 16 FPS) I didn't have any framedrops or stutter at all.

I'm just asking if it's allowed i might run it or not i'm not sure. I just test my curiosity.


FranceMasterDarkseid2 years ago

I plan to run this game very soon. And so i'm asking how can we create guide for this game.

I will train myself because submitting run. And so i will do experimental route to find/try alternate or better route.

FranceMasterDarkseid3 years ago

As you know Metal Gear (MSX) is on GOG for PC. It's the port added with Metal Gear Solid 3 : Subsistance. Which add infinite bandana and boss survival.

Should we consider it a new category or as an MSX category.

FranceMasterDarkseid3 years ago

Can you mods add the four difficulty on all categories. From can i play daddy to I am death incarnate.

I would appreciate it.

Tiref vinden dit leuk
FranceMasterDarkseid3 years ago

It's not clear can anyone help i planning to submit a run but i don't know how to track times.

TeenyMeany vinden dit leuk
FranceMasterDarkseid3 years ago

I'm planning to submit a 100% Ultra-Nightmare for PS4. However how i'm supposed to track the load times and the rules is not very clear on how to submit a console run.

Mod can help me out please. @Meta

FranceMasterDarkseid3 years ago

I think that the 100% category should be based for chests instead of all enemies. All enemies kill should have a different category or included in 100% run which include all chests and kills.

FranceMasterDarkseid3 years ago

That category would include all nemmy that drop case when being killed. While keeping the mendatory nemmy (Flamethrower , nemmy 2 , nemmy 3 and final nemmy).

Rules would the same as Any% runs but you have to kill the 4 nemmy dropping cases. No infinite ammo allowed.

Thought fellow speedrunners.

Over MasterDarkseid
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