QuébecLileya-Celestie5 years ago


Is it possible this run is in the wrong category?


It's posted under Normal, Co-op, but it was played on Easy mode.

Thanks! :)

Sm_Izumi vinden dit leuk
QuébecLileya-Celestie7 years ago

The switch to full-game leaderboard is complete. AltriaAvalon transferred about 3/4 of the runs and I did the remaining 1/4. Obviously, we're only human beings, so we might have made a few mistakes.


You have until Saturday October 8th to verify your runs and make sure everything was transferred correctly. After that, the level leaderboard will be deleted.

Thank you!

Liv, zenix en 2 anderen vindt dit leuk
QuébecLileya-Celestie7 years ago

Unfortunately, several mods for this leaderboard are currently inactive and have been so for almost a year now and the job of verifying runs end up the responsibility of only a few of us (mostly AltriaAvalon and Pessimism and sometimes CursedToast, Zenix and myself help).

So, if you are part of this group of inactive mods, would you be so kind as to remove yourself as a mod? Unfortunately, every mod of this leaderboard was made a "super mod" and a super mod can only remove himself/herself or be removed by the site admins.

By doing so, we can eventually add new mods to this leaderboard when the current active ones might becoming inactive and this ensures the list of mods won't slowly become a complete mess (which it pretty much already is...).

Thank you.

QuébecLileya-Celestie7 years ago

So it seems most RE games have switched to Full-game Leaderboard by now. Should we do the same with REmaster?

In order to see how the boards would look like in "Full-game mode", I created a test version Full-game Leaderboard.

What do you guys think? Should we make the switch or should we stay with the Level Leaderboard?

I also put Invisible Enemy Hard any% and IEH 100% under "Misc" because nobody will really optimize those categories... I can put them back by default with the other categories if you would rather that.

I could also "flip" things, so the categories would be Console, PC and PC - doorskip and the game categories would be a subcategory (along with Jill/Chris), but I tried that at first and it looked way too cluttered IMHO.

Would you guys rather that instead?

Please let me know your opinion!

Thanks! :)

Roo vinden dit leuk
QuébecLileya-Celestie8 years ago

I also posted this under the guides section :


This is a series of videos to help speedrun this game in the most optimized way that was found so far.

A lot of those tricks were discovered way back when by Trevor Seguin (see other guides for his segmented speedrun on the GC which is still very relevant to this day).

A special thanks to Sshplur for sharing some of those tricks with me.

Only 2 videos completed so far, but I promise I will make more within the next month once I find more time. I've been wanting to do this for a long time now, mainly because I noticed even the top speedrunners of this game don't do some of those tricks that have been found years ago now (including optimized movements in menu, which I will be doing as soon as I find more time to do those videos, I promise).

Demidrol-007 en Roo vindt dit leuk
QuébecLileya-Celestie8 years ago

I've been meaning to complete this a long time ago now, but I actually haven't speedrun REmaster in over a month now and I guess it's getting closer and closer to me never finishing it, or maybe even never speedrunning the game all together again! XD

For months now, I kept hearing how the Xbox one version was so much slower than the PS4 version but without actual proofs. So I decided to do a frame by frame comparison between a PS4 run and a Xbox1 run.

I compared this run that was played on the Xbox1 by Avenged1250 :

To this run that was played on PS4 by Sshplur :

Also to, I believe, this run of mine played on PS4 :

I counted the frames it takes to load the menu (when pressing menu on your own), load the menu when you pick an item, and opening a door.

The results (this is for the route of a Jill any% run):


As you can see, I never bothered to finish it. It already took me like 5 hours to do this and I was not even 25% done! XD

I also compared a couple of cutscenes loading times and they were the same, but I never bothered to write it down other than in a notepad (and I can't find it......).

A note for those mathematically retarded : 1 frame on PS4 = 0.0333333sec (1/30).

Short analysis of results:

No difference between Sshplur's run and Avenged1250's run. Sometimes Sshplur is 1 frame quicker and sometimes Avenged1250 is 1 frame quicker and it pretty much evens out. I do appear to be 1-2 frames quicker on menu loading and on item picking (I'm actually slower on menu closing when picking an item 2 times out of the 3 times I tested, although 3 examples is too small of a sample, I needed more to draw a conclusion). I think this 1-2 frames quicker on my run has to do with my hard drive. I installed a hybrid hard drive into my PS4 when I first bought it (not related to speedrunning, I just wanted a bigger HDD) which is a HDD of better performance than the one coming with the PS4:


Obviously, it would have been better to do the comparison on the entire run (so every menu loading, every item picking, every door animation, and every cutscenes loading time), but, again, I'm lazy and I frankly don't care anymore. I just wanted to post this because I spent time doing it and this way it wasn't for nothing.

But, for the goal of this exercise, let's say I'm 2 frames quicker in average to pick items and open my menu (I'm being generous). I believe there's 43 items to pick in an entire Jill any% run, but to be safe let's say 50. Also, I believe you need to open your menu between 30 to 50 times (too lazy to actually count it.....), let's say 50 times again to be safe.

So that's a 100 times I would be quicker by 2 frames, meaning, on an entire run, I would be quicker by a whooping (100¤2) / 30 = 6.67 seconds! Wow! Now that's a huge difference (I'm being facetious). Pessimism can beat any of my times by over a minute without even trying... Who cares for 6.67 seconds... I guess it's the same argument as the one related to stair skating and mashing speed at that point (as proven by Sshplur's numbers).

Conclusion : PS4 is NOT quicker than Xbox one. If you want a possibly slightly better improvement on your time, buy a hybrid HDD for your console (be it PS4 or Xbox1). But, for all we fucking know, it doesn't even affect the IGT... So it wouldn't matter anyway.

So, if your best time is over 1 minute over the WR, chances are, you're the problem, not the console. Stop using your console performance as a cheap excuse to justify your own lack of skills and keep practicing!!

Feel free to do the exact same exercise as I did (or don't if you wanna keep your sanity intact! D:)

Edit: Super interesting video CursedToast found :

Framerates comparisons between both games. It's pretty much the exact same apart from a few negligible differences.

Roo en Plisk1n88 vindt dit leuk
QuébecLileya-Celestie8 years ago

So I guess I was supposed to do this tomorrow, but I'll be busy tomorrow and Thursday as well (Star Wars!!! ¤¤)

So it's happening tonight. Or if we magically get 5 more votes towards choice #1 or 7 more votes towards choice #2 in the next 4 hours, I'll remove the new doorskip categories later! :P

So, people voted for re-adding the doorskip categories on PC, so it's back, baby! Le peuple a parlé, le peuple aura ce qu'il désire! :P

So, list of changes :

  • I re-added the doorskip categories for both Chris and Jill on PC.
  • I removed the "No difference between 30 and 60 FPS" in the rules. We all know this was a big fat load of crap.
  • I added a rule stating macros and turbo are banned.
  • I added a rule stating remapping is only allowed in the doorskip section.
  • I added a rule stating doorskip is only allowed in the doorskip section (duh...).

Please let me know what you all think about the new categories and the new rules. Your comments are more than welcomed!

Alright, I'm gonna go do a quick doorskip run so I can be the first one to "baptize" the return of the doorskip section! D: (And have Pessimism beats it without breaking a sweat! ;_;)

Update June 2016: Variable "FPS" has been adding to the PC categories. All runs were defaulted to variable (120 FPS). For those that weren't played on variable FPS, please edit your run with the proper FPS or let me know about it and I'll modify it for you. Thank you.

zenix, Plisk1n88 en 2 anderen vindt dit leuk
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