Midi-Pyrénées, FranceKaddath5 years ago

Yes as berlindude1 states the main reason to separate them is the use of L+R, at that time i wasn't aware that with some brazilian controllers you could do it on a regular console, so it was considered an emulator only glitch and couldn't really be used in a "normal" category for that.

The second reason is historical, at that time the "boy going through walls with hitting sword at the top of jump" or whatever name glitch wasn't re-discovered yet, so that Any% was basically glitchless at the time (if you accept to consider that transforming with the tasmanian sword is not a glitch, but a game feature). There was some debates about that, it can be contested..

Third reason is historical too, at the time there was no sub-categories with inner tabs implemented in the site. It's true that it should be now more rational to follow what's been done in Wonder Boy In Monster Land (Any% with 2 sub-categories, one being names "L+R used"). I should do it one day..

Also, for the all bosses, it was decided to go without tasmanian sword because the route was the same with it, it just removed difficulty and we like challenge (or is it only me?). I haven't even kept in touch to see if the route stayed glitchless or not. That can be debatable too yet, categories can change. We wanted to avoid creating too much categories while nobody ran them yet, but if people want to do them, i'm open to suggestions!

MelonSlice vinden dit leuk
Midi-Pyrénées, FranceKaddath5 years ago

The only one i'm pretty sure about real accuracy (emulating machine lag frames) is BizHawk, I think Kega is accurate too, but never had a confirmation or made tests. I don't think these 2 really matter at this point for SMS, at least for wonderboy 2 and 3, but for some Game Gear games they do (BizHawk actually shows you the number of machine lag frames, so that i'm sure it does emulate them, for instance for GG Crystal Warriors there is a huge amount of them).

Midi-Pyrénées, FranceKaddath7 years ago

i should check my version, but i have a quite old install, i'd bet on the older

ah, you can cheat the lua console? funny, but you can still verify on the original bizhawk file, isn't it? but yes of course, this is not a worry, just mere curiosity.

but sometimes, well.. I seen a video on youtube presented as a speedrun and which was clearly edited. The guy arrives at the dragon mail shop without having a charm stone drop, goes through the door, and when entering the shop he has suddenly enough charisma, more money, and even a sword he had forgoten before, haha!

Midi-Pyrénées, FranceKaddath7 years ago


Recently, a new WR submitted run was accepted, and removed some time after. Was it rejected after? Deleted by user? I peeked on youtube and the video still exists.. any clue?

Concerning emulators, this is more curiosity than validity for now. This game is one of the most stable i have run. Usually there are only 60 - 80 machine lag frames only per run, and they happen mostly at one fixed moment at the game start.

I seen that there is an interesting emulator i hadn't heard about, emulicious, and started to get info about accuracy. I contacted its maker who told me that "his main concern was to be closest to original machine" but no more details for the moment about actual lag frames.

From what i experienced myself: _Bizhawk: totally ok. simulating lag frames. possibility to display them, and re-records too (possibility to check for single-segment) _Kega: seems legit about lag frames, no confirmation though (roughly tested with game gear games that create tons of lag, seems good) _others: no info or personal testing

Anyone have clues about that too? It would be good if there is a way in emulicious to check for single-segment even if i won't be picky for the moment

Midi-Pyrénées, FranceKaddath7 years ago

Sorry for late answer HamburglarX, been a lot busy lately.. Can you provide a link to a video with the route? We usually wait for actual runs to exist before opening a category..

Midi-Pyrénées, FranceKaddath7 years ago

Hullo there!

Time has already passed since i stumbled upon speedrunning (88mph times, for the french dudes that know it)... GDQs were in a garage (but already were past the 100K!!).. it seems grown and full now :P

I'm actually very glad that the new release brought here some serious guys! Always wanted to improve my last run, but time went scarce this last year.. glad someone else did!

I was not the first to run the game of course, special mention to Synhael that reminded me how awesome this game from my childhood is, and couple of tricks i didn't know. Other mention to the various TASers, specially 8bitbeast for plentyfull discussions about the game RNG. But still, people were saying i was crazy when i began to route with 2 hearts.. some other complained about legitimity because of Hades armour.. but guys, if something can teach you about dedication and fun at the same time, it is games!! Still thought that the route was much fun, so i kept doing it..

But time hurries on, and the leaves that are green turn to brown ^^ just saying i played this game as a kid tells you that soon i'll look more like gandalf than bilbo (haha). Jokin' a bit, but yeah, had many stuff involved in my life, just hoping i'll have time to speedrun one day quite soon.. dunno when.. but this year i changed carieer, became officially developper!!! Who knows?? Maybe i'll make the one that you'll end up running!!!

Cheers all and keep the strats going! Kaddath

kamyu2x vinden dit leuk
Midi-Pyrénées, FranceKaddath7 years ago

Hi, are you sure you're not confusing monster world and monster land? :P

i wont blame you, the serie is a bit confusing, there are 2 wonderboy III, Monster World is not the first of the Monster World serie, hum, here is a breif: _Wonder boy: on master system _Wonder boy in monsterland: first of the monster word serie, (actually wonderboy II) _Wonder boy III : The dragon's trap (second of monster world serie) / Wonder boy III : The dragon's lair : 2 different games :/ _Wonder boy in Monster world : serie is now on Genesis / Mega drive - actually wonder boy IV, (third in monster world serie) _Monster World IV: actually wonderboy V, named because fourth of monster world serie

AndroSphinx12 vinden dit leuk
Midi-Pyrénées, FranceKaddath7 years ago

OK i settled myself to create at least the most obvious categories that are currently ran, even if no answer yet. We can still debate on the rules that apply to them, and for the new ones. I create for the moment the categories where there is at least a run (and for the precise request concerning PAL too). If you have an actual run to submit, like a any% PAL, post in here.

categories created so far: Glitched%: any glitch or feature, including L+R glitch (rename Swim% ?) Any%: stays like it is currently, any glitch or feature but no L+R All Bosses: any feature except Tasmanian Sword (rename Goldenblock% ?)

should have a look as how to set up this, but PAL should be separate.

note: there is no TurboGrafix option to add, the console does not seem to exist here..

Midi-Pyrénées, FranceKaddath7 years ago

this is a tough case, the game has different name and editor, but it looks and seems to work the same way. would be definetly better to put it here. Your run is good actually, and my respect for going without hades armor to last dungeon ;)

But from the best time i know for this route, it looks that the game is faster thant the master system, for you seem to have done a bit slower strats than synhael and you end with almost 2min less. I have to try first with tools if there are timing differences, but yeah too bad you didnt choose dragon's trap, because it was on emulator you had the choice, but the run is good enough to be in here in my opinion

Midi-Pyrénées, FranceKaddath7 years ago

PS: PrincessAsu (or others) can you post here links of the runs you are doing, that i can see exactly the route?

Midi-Pyrénées, FranceKaddath7 years ago

Sorry i hadn't checked for a while, hadn't seen there were answers, i'll try to keep short but talk about everything:

first of all i agree with the fact that it's no use to create too many categories while no one runs them. this game appears to be quite rich in term of routing. To add a categorie, there should be a video of the routing, even if a training one, but it is better to debate of it here first i guess. Things have changed a little since i wrote the first message, partly because of the new TAS that you can see on the link below, with the brilliant idea that farming 99 charm stones to be able to use the hidden shortcut to last boss was the quickest way to beat the game (and it is): ()

_usually most runs take as a basic rule not to use passwords, but maybe a Human% would be cool to see once, but i'm not interested into doing it, but maybe if people want to do it?

_i didn't know that the swim glitch was possible on these consoles, but learnt recently that you can actually also do it on a regular Master System with a brazilian controller. So i guess this glitched category can be legit, but it can be debated, because it is still the only glitch that you cannot do with a basic controller on original game.

_PAL categories can be added of course if you run on the actual console. if you do emu i would prefer NTSC, because quicker, means PAL is a bit easier to play, and you are also the only one i met for the moment that does PAL.

_to allow tasmanian sword to all bosses is not that interesting for the moment, for it is the same route and just skips difficulty. probably better to identify All Bosses with the Block Creation route, so that it's less categories.

_the swim glitch still being debatable if we put it aside or not, currently i have a tendency to do so, i dont do it in my last any% PB, which is not glitchless because i do the newfound zips (see my last PB just after i get tasmanian)

_to create a glitchless category for any% is not really needed if we put swim apart, because for the moment it is just limited to 3 wall zips after the tasmanian, no need to create a new cat for that.

_basically for the moment to forbid tasmanian sword in a run makes it glitchless (if you put the swim glitch apart). I'm no fan to create a all bosses swim glitched, because the route would be basically the same as goldenblock, with just le lava part being easier because you fly over. Would be another category and money routing and all..

_my personal view, from being a runner of wonderboy 2 also, where hidden stuff and hidden doors were already crucial, is that some of these special features were probably left on purpose. But being the case or not, i don't see why these would be banned in any%, obviously it is a intended way to work for these items, not a random glitch. but of course they should be categories. I used to call them Special Features. We talked a bit with the TASer on the video and we came aprox. to this:

the ones i know that runs exists:

Swim%: everything allowed including specific setup glitches

Any%: everything is allowed except swim glitch - Tasmanian + Hadès being quickest route for the moment if you ecxept the TAS which does Charmstones

All Bosses (Goldenblock%): everything is allowed except Tasmanian and swim glitch - Actually skipping Tasmanian sword basically forces you to all bosses (and go glitchless if we put the swim is apart), so well if we want to limit the number of categories..

All Bosses No Feature: Special Features are forbidden (you actually can buy the items and use them, but cannot use the features). No transformation, wild Blocks, and for the Hades Armor i suggest to allow it, but only the way intended (one refill), so basically all you have to do is to wear the Hades, remove it and wear it again, because it removes the infinite bug. This is really hard, never managed to finish yet :p

other that i know no runs of them:

100%: all hearts and equipments (99 charmstomes would be folly, so no). Still debatable if a last key is needed, of if at least one magic attack is needed too.

Please tell me what do you think of it?

topic: The Site
Midi-Pyrénées, FranceKaddath8 years ago

That's what i thought, but i prefered to ask just in case it would be a sufficient reason for the game to be rejected.

Thanks for the answer!

Midi-Pyrénées, FranceKaddath8 years ago


I am currently working on different runs for this game, and there is an item, the tasmanian sword, that allows skipping of 2 dungeons and bosses (it can be seen in the WR european version in the SDA website). There is also a glitch with swimming that skips parts of the games (can be seen in the TAS on the tasvideos website).

Considering this, i suggest the addition of these categories for this game: _All bosses (No tasmanian) _All bosses glitched (No tasmanian) _Any% glitched

I dont really consider suggesting more categories now, despite the fact that to allow the use of the tasmanian in all bosses could gain a little time, because it would merely make the Daimyo dungeon less interesting, and last dongeon too. Maybe i will consider more categories (like 100%) if more people run this game.


topic: The Site
Midi-Pyrénées, FranceKaddath8 years ago


Juste realized i made a little mistake in 2 games request, is it better that i submit other requests or do i leave it like this (in the first i forgot to precise the release date, in the second i made a mistake in the name with a stupid copy/paste, because my keyboard is almost dead. The errors are pretty obvious)


Midi-Pyrénées, FranceKaddath8 years ago


I'm Kaddath, and i run this game on emulator, where you can do the same glitch you can see in the TAS, by pressing right and left at same time. I remember you could do this glitch on the atari when i played this game as a kid :p

Just i thought this run was funny, and it has lots of cool tricks too, planned to do the regular any% but some other projects went first.

So i thought, if it is possible to add a new category glitched% for this game, i would be cool..

Some runs can be found as old highlights in my twitch channel if you are interested.


topic: Talk
Midi-Pyrénées, FranceKaddath8 years ago

I play bass since like 20 years ago :o it goes fast..

been in different groups, mostly rock and metal, here is my current band if you like metal/hardcore:

Midi-Pyrénées, FranceKaddath8 years ago

Thanks for the anwser!

Specifically one of the problem i have is with FreezeSMS emulator, on my actual setup it is the best for streaming because it is the one whose framerate is stable with OBS. It seems tu emulate machine lag quite well because some lags in precise parts of games -in shinobi and sonic for ex, which i remember were on the actual game gear- are reproduced well with it. Unfortunately i find no donumentation about accuracy on freezeSMS. Does anyone have precise infos on this?

I am testing presently BizHawk for local recoding, as its features allow to show FPS, inputs, lag frames and re-records on the final movie, as a kind of proof that there is no re-record and verify inputs, i have still to test it with OBS when i have a new internet connexion.

Midi-Pyrénées, FranceKaddath8 years ago


I'm Kaddath, a guy who does speedruns!

I mostly run Game Gear games, as i had one as a child and i think this platform is a bit underrated, mostly because it has a bunch of really good games that are specific to the platform. I didn't take it real seriously in terms of leaderboard because i knew SDA don't take emulators, and i was kind of waiting to have a modded Game Gear for video export. Didn't run for almost a year, and now i come back i'm glad there is a website like this one!

Some questions:

¤ I'd like to submit some times i did on games that are not listed here, the form tells that it should not be used just to add games, is this precision aimed to people who want to add games but don't want to moderate them? I'n not against moderate them but leads to question 2

¤ Is there any kind of problem if the moderator is the one that's holding the record? like fearing partial behaviours?

¤ I haven't seen anywhere on the web a kind of official list of emulators accepted for Game Gear, that can emulate the machine lag properly for example. Am i to create the list or would any emulator be accepted, or maybe it depends on the game?

¤ Runs i did in the past were streamed on twitch, but with very bad quality due to my connexion at that time, is it better that i try to pb on local with better quality recording or is it ok?

Thank you for all and this amazing website!


Over Kaddath
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