Update: Official Discord
6 years ago

Due to increase in popularity this game will now have it's own discord to prevent flooding the forums and for those who are interested in contacting myself and future mods in a more timely manner. Again, I do not follow forum posts closely, my contact information is always public.


Bewerkt door de auteur 6 years ago
New York, USA

As a runner I felt the need to point out that this server is for SPEEDRUNNING the game. There's been a lot of random people joining then leaving soon after because they were probably looking for a bigger, casual community server. So, again, it should be obvious, but this server is for speedrun discussion of Battlefront II 2017.

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Geplaatst 6 years ago
1 antwoord
Geplaatst 1 year ago
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Geplaatst 1 year ago
6 antwoorden
Geplaatst 2 years ago
1 antwoord
Geplaatst 2 years ago
3 antwoorden