NiveauEerste plaats
Grumpy Stumpy
Secret Plan Shoes
The Flag of Power
Fireworks of the Ancients
Boom Tombs
The Wand of the Sweet Spells
Power & Potential
Well That Escalated Quickly
Black Husk Down
Zero Bark Thirty
Triangulation Station
Negative Reinforcements
Happy L.E.A.F. Day
Gifts a Plunder
Captain Smasher's Curse
You are Cordially Invited...
No Boloney, No Problem!
Ancient Knowledge
Sidekicks Tryouts
League of Awesome
The Bean Situation
Imp Roundup
Hitting a Snag
Ol'Deadbeard's Big Surprise
Gold Rush
Anoumalous Anomalies
Zomboss Needs You!
Strong Coffee
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About Time with Loads and Time without Loads

Hello everyone! I came to warn you about the changes that have occurred these last few months in relation to the timing of the categories, as you may have noticed.

-> Why did we do this in the first place?

Well, recently, we had noticed that runs made on PC had faster loading screens than on c

1 year ago
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Geplaatst 4 months ago
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Geplaatst 11 months ago
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Geplaatst 1 year ago
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Geplaatst 1 year ago
4 antwoorden