Seperating console and emulator
2 years ago
Florida, USA

After doing some testing while running this game again for the past two months unfortunately this is another one of those Genesis games that should be separated due to time differences for emulator and console. It really comes down to the game imo and the amount of lag and load time it suffers at this point, The game has become pretty optimized so any time loss on console will ruin a potential PB. SandbagX says overall there's about a 5-6 second difference between console and emu for Easy so I can only imagine more for Normal and Hard because the enemies don't die in one hit which means more on screen = more lag. I'll post the demo comparison video for you all to see below to give you a general idea of what I'm talking about. Also I don't mind modding. I can do some clean up work. Update the rules a bit more. It's also a good look when another runner approves your runs rather than having to do it yourself. To be honest, I'm really surprised that Moonwalker (Genesis) isn't a separate leaderboard since these are all completely different games rather than just ports that are almost identical. I have no experience with the other games since I only played them for fun casually so I'd only help with the Genesis department for now. Anyways here's the comparison video :)

Eddward vinden dit leuk
Świętokrzyskie, Poland
  1. I consulted this subject with other people and we all agree that separating runs into console/emulator categories is the best idea. It would be fair for new and current runners. If loading times were the only factor, it could be fixed by just calculating a difference between consoles/emu, but the lag is something that can't be analyzed like that.
  2. About separating Moonwalker into different pages (Genesis, Arcade, SMS, Home Computers) - I don't know how hard it would be to port all runs to different pages. For now it all can stay on the same page, it just needs to be "tidied up" a bit on a technical side (e.g. duplicate difficulty).
  3. I absolutely agree that this game needs more moderators and verifying your own runs is... how do kids say these days... "kinda sus".
RetroBrando vinden dit leuk
Florida, USA

Awesome! I'll go ahead and start cleaning up the place. Thanks again Ed!