Load time removal
2 years ago

I was watching some of the Advanced Ladder (With Gear) and noticed that most of the top spots load faster than I do, which makes it impossible to beat their time. For reference you can watch my video here comparing my load time (which I haven't submitted as a speedrun yet) and 1st place's load time:

Bewerkt door de auteur 2 years ago
United States

the MKX leaderboards remove load times so I dont see why the INJ2 boards wouldn't do the same.


Yeah exactly, we just need the mods to see this and change it.

Bewerkt door de auteur 2 years ago

Someone should come up with load remover or code one. Just checked that I lost 15s only in first loading screen to majienas WR so yeah. Counting every second per fights is long and tidius in some categories and it also has sub seconds that it doesn't show.


Well that's not really something I can do since idk how to code so should I just pause and unpause at loading screens?


I think the round clock is the most promising idea. I'm also on PS5 but I load slower than 1st place (who's on Series X), so I don't think we could split old gen and new gen, since there are different load times within new gen.

Bewerkt door de auteur 1 year ago

Any updates about possible solutions, anyone? @JerQ_Q

Bewerkt door de auteur 1 year ago

Im not in general in the favor of counting round timer as the difference may vary still from 0.01 to 0.99 so its nowhere near being accurate method of counting time of a run. The longer the run is the more inaccurate the time gets.


So what other options do we have?

Illinois, USA

we could always just manually pause timer when it switches from game to cutscene.


I mean, it's the most sound idea we have rn, but I don't think the mods would agree to this.

Illinois, USA

at this point what mods? we need more.


We still need a solution for this problem, but the mods are all gone so what do we do now.

Illinois, USA

im working on the mod situation rn.

Illinois, USA

if we decided to pause timer during cutscenes we would also have to move starting position. and i dont know if i want to go through everyones current run and retime them.


So what can we do?

Illinois, USA

im tempted to just wipe the board. then retime runs if they get submitted. cause i doubt anyone plays this anymore

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Leaderboard Changes

Hey everybody, I just wanted to let everyone know I went ahead and condensed some of the boards and added sub categories for Story mode. If you want me to add Difficulties to the Ladder and survival modes just let me know.

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