Mortar bug at the bottom of Cargo?
9 years ago
North Carolina, USA

So, trying Cargo tonight I lost a few very clean runs frustratingly to the mortar bug that can appear on the exit platform at the bottom of the elevator as it seems the OOB is impossible with it there. What's up with that spawn? After some experimenting I have some findings I think, but I am really hoping there is an easier way to deal with this spawn that I just don't know. The WR video seems to show the mortar not spawned at all.

After experimenting, it seems that starting to play the map on easy, calling a restart, and switching difficulty to brutal causes it to not spawn for that one try. This was successful for a few godmode tests in a row. The problem is to reliably reset that I would need to start easy, reset, and switch it to brutal ¤every¤ run, and I really, really do not want to grind that out.

So, is there some trick I am not aware of besides this method? Please tell me there is...

Drenthe, Netherlands

On Brutal it should definitely spawn. But it only has a certain range. You have to get the elevator bump as fast as possible in order to stay out of his range. It makes it a pretty frustrating IL, but so be it.

e: Mmh. I honestly can't tell if it spawned or not in my IL attempt. I wasn't doing anything special to try to despawn it, I was just confident I was out of its range so I didn't pay any attention to it.

That was the previous record and you can clearly see the mortar bug has spawned and is ignoring me.

North Carolina, USA

Huh, interesting. I am pretty sure looking at the new 1:59 that it is not spawned, you can usually see its two glowy bits on its back from the top of the elevator if you look down. It was very obviously spawned in the 2:06, though. I guess I need to work on my technique, I must be falling too low still. At this point I suppose its spawn doesn't actually matter as much because if it does attack you, you were too low and would get a bad time anyway.

So, with that out of the way, now we examine my findings. I can give it a few more tests, but it did indeed look like I was managing to stop it from spawning (as you did accidentally in the current record), which leads me to question... what other spawns may change in other levels by doing this odd difficulty switching bug? You can test if this mortar has spawned by using the scope mode of the sniper rifle, it will already be waiting there even before you get to the pit after the long hallway, you can see it through the floor in the upper-right portion of the screen from around that area.

I almost don't want to find out if other maps are affected because the last thing I want to do is have to double restart every run just to bug out the spawns by loading easy. That sounds like a nightmare!

Guess I'll work on my Cargo OOB more.

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