What I would Like for this Game...
4 years ago
Colorado, USA

I'd like to find a way to quickly reset crosses, gravestones, and postcards to open availability to run misc. cats and 100%, I've looked for a debug menu, because that'd be probably the best bet, but I have yet to find anything.

Presuming anyone else stumbles upon this land, if you guys have information on how resetting progress like this works, it'd be much appreciated, and would be better than having to reinstall every 100% attempt. DX (presuming even that works because idk)


Roger, I'll look into it.

By the way I don't know much about game engines, but how did you get the information that MM was done in UE3 ? Because it's been done in Unity 4. I won't tell the mods about your UE3 Puzzle Gauntlet (that you should have definitely named Depression Trifecta) haha !

Edited by the author 4 years ago
Colorado, USA

Where did you get the info it was UE4?? That's gotta be falsified. UE4 didn't even come out in early access until a year after this game was released, so wherever you got the idea it was UE4 has gotta be faulty. XD

Colorado, USA

On top of that, on Steam, the recent news board said that in 2016 they were hoping to remake the game in UE4 alongside releasing it with episode 2:


Which never came out (since one of the ideas was to remove the checkpoint system from the remaster which the MM we know of now still has, and there's no controller support which the UE4 version was said to supposed to have.)

Colorado, USA

OH WAIT, I misread, you said it's a Unity game. My bad.

Alright, anyway, I do remember reading it as ran in UE3 somewhere, if I ever find it again, I'll post it here.

Edited by the author 4 years ago
mauvaisvitrier likes this

I see how it can be confusing :)


So I found a way to reset your statistics. Uninstalling doesn't work indeed.

What you have to do is go to : C:\ProgramFiles(x86)\Steam\userdata(somenumber)\258950\remote

There you can find out how information about statistics is stored for Montague's Mount. There is a file for every single statistic and achievement. If you've completed an achievement the corresponding file will say "1", if you haven't completed it yet, it'll say "0". If the file is about the number of crosses collected or time played (in seconds) or steps taken, the corresponding number will appear. Set it to "0" to "reset" it.

So you basically have to manually put "0" in every single file in the "remote" folder to "reset" your stats. OR You can just download the archive I've just uploaded to the Resource section https://www.speedrun.com/Montagues_Mount/resources and replace your files with these fresh new ones.

EDIT: I've checked and reset every file manually, but you're welcome to check for yourself. Check your own files and maybe save them somewhere if you want (there is no risk but you never know) :D

EDIT2: The game has 100% been made in Unity 4. The game's files say it's Unity. And it says it here as well https://www.indiedb.com/games/montagues-mount-episode-1

Edited by the author 4 years ago

One thing I noticed in your recent MM 100% run: when you reset your files, you check your statistics and this is the screen you get. https://i.imgur.com/FHpGh9Q.jpg

It seems like "achievements" do not reset on this screen even though they are in the game's files. I had to double check every file in the archive again but they are indeed all set to "0"

So if anyone asks on stream or in the forums or anywhere really, you should be able to explain why the achievements don't appear to reset. And also point them in the direction of the MM Resource page so they can check for themselves.

ps: I also hope you deleted and replaced every single file properly and didn't make a mistake for some reason.

Edited by the author 4 years ago
Colorado, USA

I didn't even notice that as I scanned through, huh... Well, the important ones for the 100% run were the MacLaughlins at the end of the day, because everything else tells you when you collected everything, but that is weird why it didn't reset when I got rid of everything, I'm not sure.

EDIT: Now I gotta question whether I should upload my 100% here, I already posted the 298% before seeing this, but now I'm worried. Like, I know for a fact I reset all the files, and if they didn't reset in statistics, that's going to really bother me.

Edited by the author 4 years ago
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