Autosplitter (PC-Only)
2 years ago
  • How to activate autosplitter


You can use this autosplitter to all level categories.

  • Autosplitter Settings
  1. Game Over Split: If this option is checked, the autosplitter will split timer on 'Game Over 'popups appear.

  2. Unlock Split: If this option is checked, the autosplitter will split timer on 'Completed Challenge' popups appear.

  3. Pause for 'End-of-week': If this option is checked, the timer pause on 'End-of-week' popups appear, and resume on 'End-of-week' popups disapper.

  4. Per Score Splits: If this option is unchecked, the autosplitter will split on per 100 points. If this option is checked, the autosplitter will split base on sum which sub-options of '+100','+200','+300' are checked. No sub-option is checked, it will split on per 100 points.

  • example: [✔]+100 = split on per 100 points [✔]+200 = split on per 200 points [✔]+300 = split on per 300 points [✔]+100 [✔]+300 = split on per 400 points [✔]+200 [✔]+300 = split on per 500 points [✔]+100 [✔]+200 [✔]+300 = split on per 600 points
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Edited by the author 1 year ago