Why is Eltreago inactive in the community?
2 years ago


Act_ and MinecraftGaming like this
United States

I believe it is mostly because of school and I also think he just didn’t enjoy it as much as he used to

United States

Most likely personal reasons.


He's a 21 year old man with a girlfriend and a job, he is busy with anything other than verifying bedrock runs.

kobra, TrenttheN642 and 8 others like this

He Has a life unlike us

Deux, kobra and 6 others like this
United States

Imagine having a life

Deux, A1NotFound and 2 others like this


Act_ and MinecraftGaming like this

imagine not having a life

Idaho, USA

@OtakulsBetterThanSG, he said this:

"i’m sorry for disappearing, been meaning to give you all an update for a while i just didn’t really know how to go about it.

Over the past few weeks i’ve hardly spent any time on my laptop at all and although it’s helped me focus on my mental health and what i want to be doing with myself, i’m still becoming increasingly sad and guilty that i’m not active on the channel.

I really would love to keep videos coming in the future even though i’m slowly losing interest in doing runs and i’m having a real hard time conjuring any motivation. I’m incredibly grateful for the community i’ve grown and making videos has always been a passion of mine. I would love to focus on WR history-type videos for bedrock and slowly stray away from runs. I just need to give myself a bit more time to be in a better headspace and figure out how to conjure up enough motivation to start editing.

Thank you to everyone who has supported this journey, i owe each and everyone of you. I promise i’ll still be around, i’ll reply to any pings if you ever wanna say hi or ask a question. Videos will come eventually although I can’t really say when, and I would love to continue streaming i just need to figure out a plan for it all."

Deux, TrenttheN642 and 8 others like this
New York, USA

glad to see Treago is doing for himself and taking care of his mental health, that’s such an important thing to do Whatever he decides to do, I just hope he can be happy doing it. He deserves it for all he’s done in the community :)

United States

Hope he can feel better, no one should shun him for taking care of himself


A dingo stole his Laptop

CyanWes, guccigang and 5 others like this
United States

Makes sense

South Carolina, USA

This was the person that got me into speedrunning in the first place.

BowlerGuy300 and Imercxz like this
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New proof rules for top level runs

Hello Runners.

We have a new rule for all platforms, for random seed runs.

After completing a Top Run (Top 5 Main Category/1st ILs), you must exit the world and go to the main menu.

For top Windows runners, you still have to do PowerShell verification.

For Ps4/Ps5, this rule

1 month ago