Some glitches (?) i maybe found?
7 years ago
Illinois, USA

hi, i just started running this game. i've been messing around and I found a few things i guess?

1: it's really easy to skip the punchy things in lilo2, you just gottta either switch to slushy or just walk thru. works sometimes i think

2: there's a way to clip into walls, on up moving platforms if you stand on the edge it wont detect walls? i haven't found any use for it yet

3: if you die during the fight lock parts (where u have to kill all the enemies to move on) if you go close enough to the next checkpoint you can reload there after you die and it doesn't make you fight all the enemies. i think I found one good use of it so far? nothing too crazy, just saves a few seconds probably

New Hampshire, USA

You can skip the first piston by just walking through it, and we've tried to pass the other two with little success.

You can clip through some walls with Sparky, but I've only found two places where it's useful and the first I haven't been to do more than once. You can see those parts in my WR run. I don't think there's any use for clipping through walls on moving platforms but we've also found this glitch as well. There's also a wall in one of the volcano Lilo levels that just doesn't have collision but there doesn't seem to be any use for that either.

I will try that out during the last Stitch level. That's the only fight level where I could imagine dying and reloading would be faster than just finishing the fight.

Thanks for running this game, by the way. It's so nice to finally have some competition.

New Hampshire, USA

I also noticed you found shortcuts in the buggy levels I had never even realized existed before. Do you plan to keep running this game? If you watch my WR run you can see some skips and shortcuts you didn't use in yours. I'll definitely make use of the shortcuts you used that I haven't seen before. I would really like to build a community around this game and I'm glad you've decided to run it too. What made you want to start running this game? I haven't done a very good job of advertising the runs other than on Youtube and Reddit.

607 likes this
Illinois, USA

Hey! I just watched your run, and congrats on getting WR again! I had a run last night that was about 43:30 so you just beat it haha. I'm gonna try a few more run, and it's cool you found that wall clip with sparky in Lilo's last stage, I'll definitely try that!

For the battle skip in Stitch's last stage, in that big wiggly hallway you just gotta get down to 1 health by the time you're at the end, and try rlly hard to skip at least the cake at the entrance to the fight. I've only ever gotten to skip one of the icecreams, but I usually grab both. Get knocked down to one HP, hug the wall at the end and take a hit and you'll be able to finish the stage!

Oh, and the reason I'm running this game is because it was the first game I ever played (I got it with my GBA SP for christmas when I was a wee lad) and I remembered it and was looking for a relatively unran game to do, so it was perfect! I have a decent following on YT, but they're more there for my music (haha) so I'll try to get the game out there too! It's a really fun run.

Hopefully we can find some more glitches too, that'd be great. Maybe there's a few more spots that can be skipped with the wall clip you found with sparky? Unless you've tried that haha.

607 likes this
Illinois, USA

Hi! I know I just submitted another WR run, but I found a super crazy skip for lilo's last stage that will save minutes. I'll try to post a video of me explaining it!

Illinois, USA

I explained them here!

New Hampshire, USA

I'm gonna use these and beat your WR run tomorrow haha. I have either known about these or used most of these in the past but I'll try the new ones too. Thanks for doing this.

By the way, you can beat Sparky in one cycle. It's possible to hit Sparky with all three of Yang's charges in one cycle, but I've only done it once. I'm not sure how to repeat it exactly but I'll check on it later. I'll watch your WR video and I'll make a glitch expo like this tomorrow for the stuff you missed.

607 likes this
New Hampshire, USA

Also, the Spanish PAL version of the game seems to have faster text. Saves a few seconds from the tutorial stages because there's less button mashing to do. I'll try out the other languages at some point too. I think Japanese would be fastest as it is with most games but I can't find a JAP rom of the game anywhere online.

Illinois, USA

I'll try to look for one somewhere! I just did another run, and I got 40:11 but the beginning of it was SO bad. Gonna try to get sub 40 tomorrow!

Illinois, USA

I don't think there's a Japanese version of this game, actually. All of the sites I've seen are distributing the English rom, but I'll definitely dl the Spanish PAL version

New Hampshire, USA There's Japanese box art for it so I think it was distributed in Japan somewhere. This game was super unpopular because it came out after the DS came out so not a lot people played it or heard about it. It's possible that it was distributed in Japan but no one really bought the game.

Illinois, USA

hmmm, hopefully we can find one. Also, great job on your run!!!... but I beat it xDDD I found ANOTHER glitch that saved about a minute so I got sub 40! huzzah, i'm uploading it now!

New Hampshire, USA

Good job. I've known about this glitch before but haven't really been able to repeat it until now. The reason it happens is because when the camera isn't focused on Lilo, she doesn't have any object collision. Also, moving objects are despawned when the camera isn't on them to save processing power. There are probably more uses for this glitch because I don't think it's exclusive to Slushy, although it would only work in levels where Lilo only has one experiment with her, which might just be Lilo 2 now that I think of it. There might still be uses for it in other parts of the game though. The only issue I see with this glitch is it's really easy to die while attempting it and you have to force a death in the last Stitch level already, which only leaves one life for the last Lilo level for the Sparky glitch.

Illinois, USA

It's actually possible to skip stuff in lilo 6, you can completely bypass the richter puzzle but it's REALLY hard and i've only done it like 2 times, but If i could figure out how to make it consistent it would be another rlly big time save

Illinois, USA

It's actually possible to skip stuff in lilo 6, you can completely bypass the richter puzzle but it's REALLY hard and i've only done it like 2 times, but If i could figure out how to make it consistent it would be another rlly big time save

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