New category?
4 years ago

Is it possible to create a Infinite Inferno category? The rules i would think of is, start timing on title screen, and stop timing at the final hit of wobblewok.


It would probably be possible but a mod would have to do it and someone would have to do the run but wouldn't it be better to start the timing once you select the diary slot?


True, I currently have done a run, but i started timing at title screen because it would make sense to start there and most other games start at title screen (FYI: my PB is 28:10)


Could you upload the run on YouTube or someplace (assuming you've recorded it)? I'm interested on how you beat the Infinite Inferno


Sadly I did not record because i never thought anyone would be interested in a sub category i made up. I can record another attempt, or I can explain my route.


Could you explain your route please?

Texas, USA

My general policy on categories that aren't on boards - run them, show me a video or proof (probably need a lot more for an inferno run given I don't know how long it'd take...) and I'll add them to the board. Until then though, they tend to just clutter boards as empty leaderboards.

Kentucky, USA

iirc, NerdyNyanmurai and others are working on an Infinite Inferno run on the discord.

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