California, USApimittens2 years ago

I've been thinking of trying out all bosses and I noticed that there doesn't appear to be anything in the rules about ghost wands. I asked about this during an Aliasbot stream and his response was that the consensus was that you're allowed to kill ghosts but cannot pick up the wand they drop. I would like to get some written confirmation on this and preferably an addition to the game rules if there are restrictions.

California, USApimittens3 years ago

here's what i found from doing a few any% runs. each section here corresponds to a split (the run i currently have uploaded is using old splits)

1 - karzalinx: time starts when you click play. note that you need to clear your save data before you start since it changes some of the dialogue and you will already have some of the items and won't be able to replay certain areas if you have recorded save data. the first section of the run is a platformer, which can be annoying bc the camera is a bit strange. the first thing you have to do is talk to 2 JEFs to open the gate. once a conversation starts you have to wait for it to finish before you can start a new one even if you walk away, this is important on other levels as well bc you can get trapped talking to someone you don't want to. try to talk to one immediately after falling off the platform you start on so they will be almost done talking by the time you get to the gate. once you innitiate the second conversation you can approach the gate and it will open. make sure you hold shift to sprint during any walking sections throughout the game. the rest of the level is just knowing where to go (go left at the part where there are two different portals to choose from). you can move during the cutscene when you encounter timmy at the end but it's difficult since your movement is based on the camera position which you can't see during the cutscene since it grabs the camera. the section where you fly through the portals is an autoscroller so you can just wait for the timer to run out or try to fly through the portals if you want.

2 - credits: make sure to click as soon as you load onto skolgajar since you can't exit the first area until you open the map. on the credits machine choose easy mode. the mode determines certain multipliers for the points, on easy mode you gain more points for each success and lose less for each failure. make sure to focus on the timing for the rocks since they're worth 10 points each and the timing is pretty precise. you don't really need to pay too much attention to the UFOs, usually i just glance at them every once in a while and if one is on a path to hit me i hold up or down for a bit to get out of the way.

3 - skolgajar: click to open the map again and go through the door. in this area you need to get the 5 halucinations in any order as well as the tooth so you can get the electric scooter. talk to the creature that is looking for the dog first bc you need to talk to her before you find the dog. make sure you go to the space ganglion at some point to pick up the ticket as well. after you have everything go get the electric scooter then head to doghead to enter the racetrack

4 - racetrack: this is basically an autoscroller. just try to take the shortest path possible, picking up teeth doesn't matter. you don't actually have to press jump at all since your character will jump automatically when you reach an edge. when you drop down to the stadium with the trees try to fall directly into the gap. there's a speed boost right before the last fire hoop.

5 - astral plane: in the section before the astral plane get all the arrows and the lamp base then jump in the tub to teleport to the opposite corner of the store. pressing the level can be annoying since the stuff you have to jump to to get to it tend to push you off if you land on them wrong. in the astral plane you don't actually have to collect any of the orbs so just drop all the way down to the water to leave the level.

6 - HOTR: be extra careful on the platforming when you go up to get the lamp shade, falling off sucks lol

7 - jacobo: you need to read 4 magazines before you can advance, after reading them and starting another conversation with the desk lady immediately go to the wifi chair and click through the phone section. once you can go into the office start the conversation with jacobo and walk to around where the chair will spawn so you can immediately get onto it

8 - outrun demons: you have enough health in this section to just run into obstacles so the demon chasing you hits them too. you have to wait a few seconds when the next one spawns before you can damage it

9 - guided meditation: autoscroller, just time your shield right until you finish decalcifying and then wait for the level to end. this section takes about 8 minutes and 10 seconds from loading in from jacobo's office to the find out what your JEF stands for screen, so if you're less than 8 minutes away from your pb at the start you can just reset

10 - find out what your JEF stands for: mash any keys, time ends when the screen transitions and you see the red curtain. i like to include what my JEF stood for in the run title

California, USApimittens3 years ago

here is where i will put my resources for candle% aka 2962 objects

very heavily a wip

current plan for time is time starts when u reset the console (press the power button). this is bc u have to roll up the title screen letters before u start a new game unless u save and quit to the title screen during the run. time ends when the heart explosion appears above the cake (see this clip ).

size breakpoints: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1IzSOiX_ozc-zga8jA_lEscxTMcag_n1zLjpSJmJ3uc4/edit?usp=sharing

item spreadsheet (also has kd stuff, see tabs at the bottom): https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Ntn0n9jeb8Mtcw5XwtRG-KlEOEJbOVEDb6Hla2TnkEg/edit?usp=sharing

route: https://docs.google.com/document/d/16kkoyxOSDWcuwG4vPChNl26_CTZajuItqrgH3J01wN8/edit?usp=sharing

Enzor 이것을 좋아함
California, USApimittens4 years ago

come and join the brand new stretch panic discord. no trolls allowed. https://discord.gg/ewEVndj

California, USApimittens4 years ago

hot new update: check out the how to play 1438 video series here

i've been working on routing the 1438 category and wanted to share the resources i've created to make it easier for people to get into this category if they're interested. this is still a work in progress so let me know if you find any errors or possible improvements.

item spreadsheet: made using martini and grass's spreadsheet as a base. added locations for all items as well as best possible times to grab them with the current route. there is also a second sheet that lists items by what level we get them in with the current route. some of this information might be outdated now; there are a few items i moved around in my head but didn't update on the spreadsheet so i actually get them somewhere else. i might go back and update it at some point but it should still help you find any items you're missing. https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Ntn0n9jeb8Mtcw5XwtRG-KlEOEJbOVEDb6Hla2TnkEg/edit?usp=sharing

route notes: (currently updating for cheat%, more on this later) https://docs.google.com/document/d/1_CIAwWg_3PnJBrjF-JcPNKPvRQw7qJAlkrMFlCJr0Hg/edit?usp=sharing

archive of all item images: original images created by @KatamariItems on twitter, i just renamed them with the actual item names instead of "item (#)" so they're easy to search. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1OFbayXrYX9om7r10bx9Evq-6PD8PuFIT/view?usp=sharing

map to all the constellations on the world map from where you start lol https://i.imgur.com/rWzR2MV.png another version done by cherry_soup (with and without constellations) https://i.imgur.com/7sTlb5x.png https://i.imgur.com/0hgEVGk.png ps2 version https://i.imgur.com/dd2ovce.png

item tier list lmao: (meme) https://drive.google.com/file/d/1bOG5KQlGRy0NbgFhoDOmYMpR3AQ4KzgB/view?usp=sharing

Enzor, grass 그리고 3 기타 이것을 좋아함
pimittens에 대해서
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