fusecv3 years ago

Little surprised theres some opposition to kill combo from people who voted yes to other things, as it has no effect on anything until after you've decided to reset, and therefore never has any effect on anything for runs which make it to completion.

스레드: The Site
fusecv4 years ago

Added discord and steam, and enabled email notifications for new runs submitted.

스레드: The Site
fusecv4 years ago

Hi I'd like to request mod for Seventh Cross Evolution ( https://www.speedrun.com/Seventh_Cross_Evolution ). The only mod, puri_puri, was last online 6 months ago, his VODs links are all broken so I can't find his twitch account, and he has no other contact. I have pending runs for all 3 categorys.

fusecv5 years ago

Regarding timing inconsistencies for cutscenes, it is unfortunately not dead on, but it is damn close. I've tested timing the intro cutscenes on both of the xboxes I own, and yayo did the same timing test on his xbox. The results were my 2 xboxes were measured the exact same time to the frame, and yayo's xbox was 2 frames slower than mine. The test was on just over 2 minutes and 22 seconds of cutscenes out of the total of about 15 minutes that is considered skippable without affecting the game. If they continued to diverge at that same rate, thats only just over 1/5th of a second difference over all of the game's considered skippable cutscenes.

One could argue that skipping them ends up being the better solution as it'd get rid of another time inconsistency that the player has no control over, although realistically it just isn't going to matter no matter what you do with that small a margin of error.

lohsa 이것을 좋아함
fusecv5 years ago

I could make it track the played cutscene time as well. I've actually already been doing that in some multi-timer versions used for consistency checking, not that anyone wants the screen overly cluttered, but the played cutscene time could be shown at the end, or during cutscenes and the end, or something like that.

Jabro 그리고 lohsa 이것을 좋아함
fusecv5 years ago

RE: suprix: "(most important) skipping cutscenes being left up to the players: the cutscene runtimes we’d be implementing are constant amounts, which are calculated assuming that the cutscene is skipped on the first available frame. players’ mashing is obviously not frame perfect, which immediately introduces inconsistencies in a few ways: 1) if someone is a slow masher, they lose time since the cutscene runtimes do not account for less-than-frame-perfect mashing. 2) if a runner chooses to skip some cutscenes but not others, the accuracy of cutscene runtimes are completely ruined since they assume all cutscenes were skipped. i don’t think mods of this game (including myself) are willing to sift through every submission to see which cutscenes are skipped (and at which times) to add dynamic modules of time to a run, simply to save 25 mins of irl time."

That is not the way the current version works. the current version pauses the IGT when the cutscene is running. Therefore, regardless of whether you skipped the cutscene on the first frame, let it play out in full, or skipped the rest of it halfway through, the time on the IGT will be the same when you regain control of your character, and you simply add on the full length of the cutscenes. The only desync between the choices would be what your personal splits show in livesplit; the IGT based final time would not be affected.

Jabro, lohsa 그리고 2 기타 이것을 좋아함
fusecv5 years ago

In response to 7thAce questioning whether cutscenes are measured as a constant time, I made a 2 timer version, 1 with the same timer as the posted version, and a 2nd cutscene only timer. I ran from new game until the end of the intro cutscene 2 times each with ntsc-u and ntsc-j on 1 xbox, then swapped cables to another and did another round of each on that one. Results were all 3 ntsc-u timings measured the cutscene as exactly the same, and all 3 ntsc-j timings meansured the cutscene exactly the same.

vod here

Jabro 그리고 lohsa 이것을 좋아함
fusecv5 years ago

Your splits will only be inconsistent if your behavior skipping cutscenes is also inconsistent. If you always hit the button to skip the cutscenes as soon as it pops up, your differences in your split times shouldn't be any more significant than the time differences from where your button presses land when mashing through dialogue. Yayo was citing things such as having to get the door for someone as time the cutscenes are useful, and quite frankly I think you'd be just as screwed on vanilla if that happened; chances are it probably won't line up with a cutscene that nicely anyway, but if does, the splits being off for the rest of just that 1 run seems like more of a minor nuisance compared to what effects that situation could have caused.

lohsa 이것을 좋아함
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