AntarcticaTimmiluvs3 years ago

No, there's not really a better screen recorder I can think of that is more lightweight than OBS and allows you to customize a layout. There's other options like XSplit, but its more resource intensive and obviously won't work good if your laptop is already struggling. Some people use Bandicam, but you need to pay for that unless you use the free version which limits you to 10 minute recordings and has a watermark.

Have you tried lowering your quality settings in OBS to recording in something less powerful like 480p? That might help prevent your laptop's resources from being consumed too much?

EDIT: ty @SioN

Funado 그리고 Pear 이것을 좋아함
스레드: The Site
AntarcticaTimmiluvs3 years ago

There are certain filters in place to limit accounts and sometimes auto-ban accounts if they post certain things like URLs within a certain timeframe after creating an account (I dont know the actual details of the filters, just a general idea), and sometimes they even ban actual users making their first posts.

Stopping bots is hard because most bots are getting smarter and know how to avoid those rules - edit in links later, delay posting after account creation, etc. Without forcing users to do robust verification of some kind on account creation, it can be hard to fully eliminate all bots before they're created, and sometimes we just got batches of them that appear from time to time. The curse of forums.

Funado 이것을 좋아함
스레드: The Site
AntarcticaTimmiluvs3 years ago

The About page has random parts of it in different languages (and no, I'm not changing the translation, I have it set to English).


EDIT: apparently refreshing that page fixed it? Idk, I'm leaving the post because I'm not sure if it's a bug that it happened in the first place.

Funado 그리고 Merl_ 이것을 좋아함
스레드: The Site
AntarcticaTimmiluvs3 years ago


Reposting messages previously posted in threads.

Funado, R0main 그리고 4 기타 이것을 좋아함
스레드: Speedrunning
AntarcticaTimmiluvs3 years ago

It means you have to wait for the full release of the game. There's not much more to it then that.

According to the Steam page I found for the game, assuming it's the right one, the game is still in early access and they updated it as recent as December 2020. The site doesn't accept early access games or games that aren't officially released in their final form because it makes LB setup a disaster (among other reasons I'm sure). If this game is added, and in 3 months they add 5 new levels extending the length of the game, then your LBs and all runs are essentially invalid because now an Any% run has 5 more levels that need to be completed. This creates a massive headache for people to manage on the LBs for the game.

You'll just need to wait for the final game to come out and for the game to no longer be in early access.

Funado, Nordanix 그리고 3 기타 이것을 좋아함
스레드: Speedrunning
AntarcticaTimmiluvs3 years ago

I always get annoyed swapping cases because I hate how bad the carts look and I hate doing it all the time for a lot of games lol. But yeah, that screwdriver can usually be found on Amazon cheaply (this one is like 8 bucks, http://bombch.us/DQCI ), they're called Gamebit usually. I bought a set a while back that came with two screwdrivers - one for games and one for consoles (different size screws).

Funado 이것을 좋아함
스레드: Talk
AntarcticaTimmiluvs3 years ago

Please do not create the same post multiple times and please do not advertise on these forums.

Funado, Walgrey 그리고 5 기타 이것을 좋아함
스레드: Speedrunning
AntarcticaTimmiluvs3 years ago

So I'll offer some perspective going the other way of PAL -> NTSC.

When I bought an iQue I had to also buy a voltage converter to replace the standard plug that came with it because I probably would have fried the console when plugging it into outlets in the US. So, if you're going to be using an NTSC SNES/SFC I'm assuming you would probably need the equivalent for the other direction (maybe something like this? https://en.retrogamesupply.com/collections/nintendo/products/power-supply-for-nintendo-super-famicom )

If you're torn between a SNES or an SFC, then it really boils down to what games you're going to play the most. Region modding a SNES to play SFC games is easier than modding an SFC to play SNES games. In a SNES, you just need to remove two tabs of plastic inside the cartridge slot to ignore the cart differences, but in an SFC, I don't know if SNES cartridges will actually fit because they are larger than SFC ones (SNES doesn't have that issue because the smaller SFC carts have plenty of room to fit). If you're going to be playing a lot of games from one region over the other, I'd try to find that console. If you get an SFC and want to play SNES games easily, then I would invest in a flashcart (SD2SNES/FXPAK Pro) to play those games to avoid messing with the dust cover on the console itself to fit SNES carts; plus flash carts are just really convenient for playing all sorts of games on. I would check any online retailer that sells internationally for the console (like eBay).

For the TV situation, I know nothing about CRTs in Europe so I can't comment on the whole 50Hz vs. 60Hz issue. But, if money isn't really a roadblock, I would suggest in maybe looking at a zero lag upscaler (OSSC/RetroTink) to convert the signal to HDMI so you can use a low latency digital monitor to play off of. You can look for a capture card with an HDMI pass through if you want to play off a different screen then you are recording from.

All of this advice is sent with the disclaimer that I live in America and I was easily able to region mod my SNES to play SFC games, so I didn't have to deal with any of this stuff because it's all NTSC. The only time I had to consider it was with the iQue coming from China. Hope some of this helps, and if any of this is wrong/bad, someone who has experience in Europe can correct me.

Funado 그리고 O.D.W. 이것을 좋아함
스레드: Speedrunning
AntarcticaTimmiluvs3 years ago

Most times games added before release come from series moderators who add them ahead of time. Other times, site staff make exceptions to the rule of needing a run for well known games and users. It’s nothing more than site staff discretion of allowing a game prior to release to be added.

Funado 이것을 좋아함
스레드: Talk
AntarcticaTimmiluvs3 years ago

Games add mods when they need them, and they are usually added by trusted members of the community and/or runners of the game.

Unless you're asking how to get mod for a game that currently doesn't have an active moderator. You can request that through a thread in The Site forum (please read all rules in the OP to make sure you comply with everything).

Funado, TrenttheN642, 그리고 Pear 이것을 좋아함
스레드: The Site
AntarcticaTimmiluvs3 years ago

You can do this in your settings: https://www.speedrun.com/CubicRa8b1d/settings/username

You can change your username once every 60 days.

Funado, Bob-chicken 그리고 2 기타 이것을 좋아함
스레드: The Site
AntarcticaTimmiluvs3 years ago


Funado, Shiinyu 그리고 10 기타 이것을 좋아함
스레드: The Site
AntarcticaTimmiluvs3 years ago

Ask the moderators of the ROBLOX series how they notify people about accepted/rejected games. You won't get a site notification for it, the ROBLOX mods handle all requests off-site.

Funado 이것을 좋아함
스레드: The Site
AntarcticaTimmiluvs3 years ago

For viewing runs on the site that say they need flash, they probably don’t actually need flash. I would imagine that most video hosting sites auto-converted any flash videos into a more supported format years ago, so if a run says it needs flash for some reason, you can probably go and find a non-flash version on the site it’s hosted on like I did above.

If a run legit needs flash and it’s not available in another format, then, well idk. You might need to find some kind of extension that emulates flash. I’m not an expert on flash, I never installed or used it, and actively blocked it, on any computer I had for security reasons. Someone might be more knowledgeable on it and have more detailed recommendations for you.

Funado 이것을 좋아함
스레드: The Site
AntarcticaTimmiluvs3 years ago

First of all, are you sure the run is fake? Have you tried discussing this with the runner? There could be a perfectly normal explanation for any discrepancies and I’m sure they would appreciate you bringing up your concerns with them or the broader community before you label them as a cheater to the entire site.

EDIT: Deleted post by OP.

Funado 그리고 Pear 이것을 좋아함
스레드: The Site
AntarcticaTimmiluvs3 years ago

The only similar sites to this one right now are sites geared towards specific games/series (ZSR for Zelda, The Elite for Goldeneye/Perfect Dark, etc). There is no other site that hosts a myriad of LBs across so many games like this one does.

I guess technically SDA is still around and Twin Galaxies too, but like, you don’t want to submit there lol. And neither of those sites are really going to accept new games.

Funado, dha, 그리고 Pear 이것을 좋아함
스레드: Speedrunning
AntarcticaTimmiluvs3 years ago

All category requests need to be brought up with the mods of the game and following all rules they have for requesting categories.

Funado, Ivory, 그리고 Pear 이것을 좋아함
스레드: The Site
AntarcticaTimmiluvs3 years ago


Probably not a bot but an inappropriate post in Introductions

Funado 그리고 TheSecondTry 이것을 좋아함
스레드: Talk
AntarcticaTimmiluvs3 years ago

Are you looking for help with submitting runs for those games? Are you looking to create new categories for different types of runs for those games? Are you talking about creating Demo files that can run in the game engine for those games like the old Doom recordings for example? (can those games even support Demo files?) Are you just saying the games are hard to play/do runs of?

We need more information on exactly what you're having difficulty with so we can help you more if you need it, or direct you to those who can assist you.

Funado, MrMonsh 그리고 4 기타 이것을 좋아함
AntarcticaTimmiluvs3 years ago

Windows has it's own built in recorder, but I would avoid using it unless absolutely necessary as it has some limitations.

All questions regarding a specific need to be directed to the mods and community of the game; every game has it's own requirements for acceptable proof of a run (although I've never heard of a game requiring a live-stream).

Funado, potatokingE, 그리고 Pear 이것을 좋아함
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