
Whoa sorry about long reply time, school :<. But yeah thanks man! I do kinda prefer Amazon, and because I'm still young-ish my parent have to approve of the site I wish to purchase it from. And they HATE eBay. So, Amazon is the much more viable option for me! Thanks again man!

Thank you so much TheSludgyGamer! I feel like an idiot for not thinking about that! Now I'm semi-mad at myself. Thanks again!

Hi, I'm a new runner currently starting learning this game. However, I have no idea where to get the NTSC-J version of the game. Also, I apologize if this is somewhere else on speedrun.com and I just missed it. Thanks in advance!

스레드: Introductions

Hi, Now I'm not exactly new as I hold a 3rd place speedrun but whatever. I don't know however what to run next. I'm into platformers and Zelda games. My only requirement is that the game is easy and can be done on an emulator. Thanks!

스레드: Introductions

Welcome! If you want to set up hot keys then right click, go to control, click global hotkeys ( it will have a check next to it). Then go to either settings or options and set the hotkeys. As far as games go I speed run Zelda games. As far as 2d Zeldas go I recommend Links awakening DX or A link to the past. As far as 3d Zeldas go I recommend either Ocarina of Time or Majora's Mask. Have fun and Welcome!

Hi, I'm a new runner and I have a question. Can Someone give me a link to the Rom for ALTTP Japanese Version 1.0? Much appreciated!

BBoppers 이것을 좋아함

Well I'm not too sure if I will be able to stream any time soon. It's kinda a long story, but my Mom won't let me stream. I'm fairly young; 12 almost 13 ( btw I will be 13 in quite literally 1 week from tomorrow). So, my Mom isn't to keen on the idea of me streaming due to safety reasons. She says that she is thinking about, but she really is stuck in the middle. She isn't saying no, but not really yes either. I can maybe convince her, but it might take awhile. Anyways, thank you for your suggestion. I'll be sure to tell you if I am able to stream! -TheAlmightyLucario03

Rapid_ and Spiratser, Thank you guys SOOOOOOO much for all the tips! I really appreciate it. That was VERY useful info. Honestly, when I started I had no idea what to do first, but thanks to you and this great community I have been able to understand how to go about learning these categories! Once again, thanks SO much! -TheAlmightyLucario03

Spiraster 그리고 BUSHY_DAD 이것을 좋아함

LADX Speedrunning Community, Hi, my name is Will. Just call me Almighty, Almighty Lucario, or really whatever. I just got into speedrunning LADX, and I have a few questions. First, I should probably mention that I am looking into running Any%, Any% ACE, and Any% No SandQ/WW/OOB. What I really want to know is how to approach learning catagories. I have already watched speedruns of these 3 categories, however they all seem a bit overwhelming. The only I have been able to accomplish is Any% ACE. The way I learned this category was by watching what they did in the run ( I watched Greentunic's world record run btw) and tried for myself. I was able to accomplish it, but it is a VERY inefficient method of learning the route. So, I was just wondering about how I could do this more efficiently. Thanks, TheAlmightyLucario03

WesCopeland 이것을 좋아함
TheAlmightyLucario03에 대해서
가입 날짜
7 years ago
7 years ago
팔로우한 게임
The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening DX
The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask 3D
The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask 3D
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The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time
The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time
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The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past
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Super Mario Sunshine
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The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening
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