United KingdomDayC3 years ago

Massive find, great work!

United KingdomDayC3 years ago

For me, the solution has to provide a balance of both consistency and accessibility. I hate the idea that menu mechanics are considered part of a speedrun so I wouldn't be too fussed if the IGT paused in the inventory, but that's just my personal bias. The larger issue for me is the inconsistency between in-game timers across the board, those wild differences just make for a poorly optimised run experience and that is inevitably going to lead to repetitive questions around the timer and whether it should be doing what it's doing.

I've no bad feeling towards RTA if that's our solution, as long as load removals are included as has already been stated numerous times then we'll keep our consistency in check and accessibility becomes a non-issue to people approaching the run with low-end or aging hardware.

Great post Toast, thanks for opening this dialogue.

United KingdomDayC3 years ago

Essentially anything that reads from the JSON feed. In the SRT tool there is an example SampleJSONDisplayPage.html page that looks at an exposed address and displays data.

I found when I was developing mine that the speed at which it checked the feed for data caused frame drops. However, if you're not using anything like this then feel free to ignore me :)

United KingdomDayC3 years ago

Are you using any widgets for a stream or just the SRT? I found my performance in a set of widgets I'd been using rather than the SRT tool itself.

United KingdomDayC3 years ago

Great to see the 3 dodge in action mate!

ArlanKels 이것을 좋아함
United KingdomDayC4 years ago

Thanks for confirming. Whether you found it or not @WhamBam_TV it's still very useful. I thought I was going mad training on this but eventually came to the same conclusion that you can't be too close.

Now I bait left and roll right which seems to work for me pretty well.

United KingdomDayC4 years ago


Example of the 3rd hunter that I was talking about on my PB

United KingdomDayC4 years ago

An area I've been notoriously struggling with too on stream but it's getting easier with repetition. After you reach the battery, the next hunter slithers out of a high pipe. I've found it helpful to time the drop and stumble into the stun which will place you at its tail, then you can mash dodge twice to stagger behind it out of range.

The limited space does make it tough, I've just found repetitions is helping.

United KingdomDayC4 years ago

Haven't speedrun a game before and started running NG Normal today to get some practice in. This is my 2nd run, reduced the time by 12 mins(ish) but missed the very final shot

DrScarecroww, Shadowist_ 그리고 2 기타 이것을 좋아함
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